Last night's Gazette announces that her Majesty Inns appointed Com-
snodore Charles Napier, a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath.
An inquest was held in the Queen's Bench Prison on Wednesday, on the body of Mr. C. M. Ullethorne, a solicitor, late of Red Lion Square. It appeared that the deceased had a chronic complaint, which was greatly aggravated by his imprisonment, and by the severity of his creditors, who refused, to come to terms. It was stated by the surgeon of the prison, "that going through the Insolvent Court causes great excitement with many ; they call it the schedule fever." The Jury returned the following curious verdict—" That the deceased died a natural death, accelerated by great mental anxiety, produced by ins carceration in the Queen's Bench Prison for debt ; and that the noisy and fanatical singing of Boatswain Smith, a prisoner on the &UDC staircase with deceased, embittered his last moments; and the Jury. cannot separate without expressing their deep regret at the unchristian and hypocritical conduct of the said Boatswain Smith."