5 DECEMBER 1840, Page 11
The Prince's Theatre has pot an acquisition to its merry-rnaking
talent, in the person of Mr. WEEKES, the round-faced, merry-eyed Irishman, who botteds :Chem like a hall of fun, its a faree called Cap- tain (Que171):' of vs-11M' the hero. Mrs. Setaty's versatile talent is likely to be better apereci.tted bere vben she gets rid of the ap- pearance of effort, wIticit her own aexitey perhaps oecasions. Frido/in does not draw, despite the zealous exertions of Mks llostEtt in behalf of her brother it is to fie superseded 14v the Mount:tin Sylph on 3Ionday ; vstlittn also MORRi< BARNErr will play NonNieur in the Station-house.