We were mistaken last week in thinking that the Danish
clergy were appointed by the landlords. A resident in Den- mark tells us that when a vacancy occurs, the candidates send in their names to the Minister of Public Worship, who- selects three, from among whom the King chooses the one to be appointed. The King, of course, usually chooses the first named, and the choice is therefore Ministerial. The Radicals desire to give the parishes influence in the selection of their clergy, to reduce the incomes of the pastors, and to secularise Church property. The Government is willing to transfer all Church property to the State, but its Bill for this purpose is considered by the Radicals too liberal in point of allowances to the pastors, and will be resisted. Our correspondent thinks that titles might be abolished in Denmark because they were in Norway, but that we have never questioned, our point being that the Nor- wegian method of preventing new creations and letting old ones die out is the only one that has ever proved successful.