[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sur, 11ir. Green quotes
Christ's command not to resist evil, but the whole purpose of his life was to destroy the works of the devil (evil), therefore the command must mean " Resist not evil with evil, but overcome evil with good." This is the tenor of His teaching : They who take the sword shall perish by the sword—evil is ever self-destructive. The method of -war is diametrically opposed to the method of Christ.
The fact that war brings out heroic qualities is no justified- tion for it. Does not-every disaster do the same ? Fires are not justified, planned and organized in order that 'heroic qualities may be brought out. As Milton.svrote " Peace bath her victories no less renowned than war," and there is no need to resort to war to make opportunities for heroism.—I am, Sir, &c., Fnsasers J. Want. Lyndhurst, North Harrow, Middlesex.