Palestine Illustrated (two volumes), by Frank Scholten (Longman. 84s.). This
is a picture-book de luxe. Mr. Scholten's two stunptuous volumes contain a series of excel- lent photographs, faced throughout by what purport to be apposite quotations from the Bible, the Talmud, the Koran, and indeed from numerous other sources. As is inevitable, some of the quotations are more apt, and some of the photographs more interesting, than others. But the general standard of the illustrations is very high, and the ingenuity of the author in searching out appropriate texts must arouse admiration. The two volumes deal only with the Jaffa district, which is not the most inspiring part of Palestine. Presumably the rest of the country is to follow. We shall be eager to see what Mr. Scholten's camera can make of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Acre and the Sea of Galilee.
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