Disturbed Sleepers Certain oddities of weather over the last two
or three weeks have exercised their influence on a number of animals. A friend who has a very lovely and spacious garden in the Garden of England has seen his lawn reduced to the state of a ploughed field by an incursion of badgers, of all beasts. Incidentally, both foxes and badgers have announced their presence in suburban gardens near Putney. Recently a land girl working on the west borders of Essex was astonished to meet a perfectly good hedge- hog pottering along the hedge-side. Doubtless it had been waked from what it felt to be an altogether premature hiberna- tion. A number of other winterers, in the insect world, have awakened and some will doubtless pay the penalty. Within my own garden and paddock the moles, following the most active worms, have brought barrow-loads of soil to the surface.