5 DECEMBER 1947, Page 15


Sm,—May I draw your attention to the fact that the title The Future of Europe in your last issue does not correspond with the contents of this excellently written article ? I found the following statement: " The iron curtain must disappear altogether so far as Germany is concerned, what- ever happens to it on her eastern frontier." Thus you reduce the problem of the future of Europe to the much narrower problem of the future of Germany, leaving behind the iron curtain countries like Poland and Yugoslavia which fought heroically against Germany when she threatened our common European heritage. Europe is an indivisible entity, historic- ally, culturally and economically, and any system which tends to destroy this coherence seems to me not only dangerous morally but disastrous politically. To abandon Poland, Yugoslavia and other Eastern European countries to Communist Russia would be more than a crime. In the famous words of Talleyrand, " Ce serait plus qu'un crime, ce serait une 104 Holland Road, 1.14.