Paul Foot's pubs
Sir: Auberon Waugh (Another Voice, 21 November) informs us that Paul Foot saw Clydeside workers drink eight or nine whiskies in a row, in silence, and, when finished, punch the nearest person.
I worked in a large Clydeside warehouse for 34 years, and I was no stranger to the local pubs. Not once did I see such a ritual. If the Glasgow men I knew consumed such a quantity you wouldn't be able to get them to shut up. They would be more apt to burst into song than violence.
Clydeside pubs may abound with talk of the merits and demerits of Celtic and Rangers. But there are also views on politics and life in general, often aired with pungent humour.
You know, some Clydeside workers are quite civilised, some of us have even been reading The Spectator for years.
Charles Friell
50 Maple Court, Cumbernauld, Glasgow