Arrived—At Gravesend, 29th Jan. Margaret. Bergh; from lifoultnein, lat Feb. Hiudostan, Redman ; Hotspur, Wilson; and Tapley, Mallory. from Bengal ; Samsraog, Robertson, from M dries; 9th, Madura, May, from Mauritius; Princess Royal, Brock. from Bengal ; and Beulah, James. from China. Off Lymington, 9th Feb. Ambassador. Tate. from Madras Off Falmouth, ditto. Susan Crisp. Cobden, front Mauritius. At Liverpool. 1:',‘ Feb. Can allar, Keir, from China. Off ditto. 401. Patriot Queen. Hoodless. from Bengal. At St. Helmut 22d Dec. Margaret, Canney, from Bengal: Eleanor, M.Pherson. tuna Bombay ; and Simon Taylor. Brown, from China. At the Cape, 4th Dec. Harlequin, Harrison, from Singapore; 7th. Lloyd's. Green; James. Ross; and Duweon. Price, from 14840O; thh. Cambridge. Brown, from Lisa,- pool; and 9th, Indian, English. from Loudon.
Sailed—From Gravesend, 30th Jan. Bengal Merchant, Emery, the Madras; and Broxbourubury. Barnett. for Bombay; tat Feb. Sculeby Castle. Johnston, for ditto; and 3d, Atlas, Sexton, For Madras. Front Liverpool, 30th Jan. Sauton, Hustable,.for Bengal; Phdopontes, Ramsey ; and Lady East, Corks,. for Bombay; 24. Princes,' Royal. Newby, for Singapore; 4th. Briton's Queen, Smith; and John l'doure, Withy- oombe, for Bombay; and Windermere. Armstrong. for Bengal.