Is a letter to the Builder, Mr. F. H. Waller, an ingenious sur- geon with a turn for practical invention, suggests what would be a very great improvement in the regulation of our streets—the removal of cab and coach stands. He proposes that the cab stands, like the mews, be situated out of, the public thoroughfare and that they be covered sheds, so that the vehicles should stand in readiness for immediate use, yet with driver and horse pro- tected from the weather.
" These buildings might be so constructed as to insure thorough drainage, com- plete preservation of the product, and perfect ventilation, as well as to afford every comfort to man and horse, and save much disease and suffering to both. To render them easy of being found, the same plan might be adopted as the ad- mirable one now in operation for securing this advantage to the post-offices. The vehicles might be arranged numerically, and all squabbling for precedence, now so annoying, be avoided. The entrance of each stand might be sufficiently con- spicuous, and bell-handles, labelled coach," cab,' &c. Thus, a person requiring either of these vehicles, would look for the lamp-post indicating the situation of the stand; he would signify his want by pulling the bell; and would find himself accommodated as rapidly and far more pleasantly than at present. To ladies this system would be a great boon: it is now no uncommon spectacle to see a female applicant for a cab or coach infested, and even insulted, by the several candidates —all alike anxious to secure the fare."
The improvement would be considerable in every way. Con- stant exposure to the weather produces frightful diseases in the drivers, fosters vicious habits of intemperance, makes them re- gardless of personal neatness, and altogether tends to keep the class degraded. Killing the horses, it makes the owners use worse animals. And turning the open streets into stable-yards, without the conveniences thereof, it violates every rule of de- corum and sanatory law. It is curious how we moderns consent to keep up old barbarisms of an odious kind. We boast of our conveniences, but submit to the filthiest nuisances for want of a little energy of will. Streets are made for transit, not for stabling ; private carriages and omnibuses must " move on "; any nobleman whose servants should use the streets as a coach- house and stable-yard would have to answer for the offence in a police court : but a special licence is accorded to the lowest class of vehicles to block up the streets with a squalid stabling. The immense improvement that would ensue in the good order both of carriage and driver, if it were made possible by the aid of shelter, need scarcely be pointed out : hackney cabs would soon get to rival private broughams in their comfort and appearance.