Already the success of the Sicilians has had the usual
influence in commanding assistance. M. Guizot, who inclined to Austria while the Italian cause seemed doubtful, has now discovered that France sympathizes with Italy, and sanctions even organic changes. The conversion of the astute statesman took place all on a Sunday. On Saturday, M. de Lamartine made an eloquent attack on Ministers for abandoning the traditional policy of France in Italy ; but M. Guizot was coldly imperturbable, un- shaken as to his faith in Austrian moderation and enlightenment, and firm in maintaining the status quo. On Monday, instigated by a penetrating, brilliant, and dangerously statesmanlike speech from his great rival, Thiers, M.Guizot suddenly remembered that France and he had all along sympathized with the regeneration of Italy. M. Guizot, it is clear, has at last perceived, what we ventured to assert months ago, that France herself adheres to the Italian alliance, and that the official Government cannot safely array itself on the side of Austria.