ARRIVED—At Gravesend, let Feb. Stratford, Butterwlck, from Mamitlus. Off Ports- mouth, 2d, Essex, Howard. from Madras. At Bristol, 3d, Neptune, Le Molguon, from Calcutta. At Liverpool, 31st Jan. Benares, Brown, from Calcutta ; 1st Feb. Camilla, Ashton, from Singapore ; and Thomas Brocklebank, Ponsonby, from Calcutta ; 2d. Aurora, —, from Madras ; and 3d, Lahore, Burt; John Bibby, Cawkott ; and John Mathie, —, from Calcutta. At Bombay, 17th Dec. Bengal Merchant, Lowon, from London ; 18th, Malabar, l'are, from Ditto ; and "29th May," Goble, front Liverpool ; and 23d, Camperdown, Denny, from London. At Madras, previous to 24th Dec. Orestes, Beaziey ; Favorite, Hawkswell ; Appoline, Gardner; and True Briton, Con- sitt, from London. At Calcutta, previous to 234 Dec. Nestor, Wright; Cotfleld, Cor- gey ; Simon Taylor, Brown ; Tamerlane, M'Kenzie ; Diamond, Taylor ; Sophia, Saxon, Sutiej, Campbell ; Prince of Wales, Hopkins ; and Queen, Nash, from London ; Lysan- der, Sangster ; Aquetnet, Gardner ; Winifred, Christie ; ()tenderest), Kissock ; and Tapley, Mackie, from Liverpool; Lion, Lase, from Newcastle; and Bengal, Guthrie, from Shields.
SAMED—From Gravesend, 29th Jan. Phadm, Dale, for Madras; and Fifeshire, Punch- and ; and Swithaniley, Jennings, for Bombay ; 30th, Providence, Hicks, for Ceylon; 31st, W. M. Brown, Bainton ; and Empress, Goble, for ditto; 24 Feb. Elora, Turnbull. for New Zealand ; Emma Eugenia, Culverwell, for China ; and Nautliwt, Carter, or Mauritius ; 3d, Sir E. Paget,, Barclay, for Sydney; Success, Boult, for Penang ; Frain- Jce Edwards, for Calcutta ; and Mary Ann, Darke, for Madras.
Azsivim—In the Downs, 3d Feb. Loch Lomond, Rankin, from Calcutta ; 9th, Gil- more, Slaw, from Bombay; and Jannet, Chalmers, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 3d, Colonist, Ellerby, from Calcutta. In the Clyde. 2d, Akbar, Giles, from Mauritius.