Both Houses of the Convocation of the Prelates and Clergy
of the pro- vince of Canterbury were yesterday prorogued until Wednesday next.
The Queen has appointed Sir John Young, late Lord High Com- missioner of the Ionian Islands, a Knight-Commander of the Bath.
The Times announces that in addition to an increase in the Bengal es- tablishment of from 74 to 80 chaplain, ten more are to be sent out at once, who will at first rank as supernumeraries.
The West Riding of Yorkshire Reform Association have sent an ad- dress of condolence on the loss of his father, and on his retirement from the representation of the West Riding, to the Earl of Ripon.
Sir Thomas Reclington, candidate for Galway, has withdrawn, on an appeal from the supporters of Mr. Orrell Lever.
Professor Owen lectured last evening at the Royal Institution on "the Gorilla," and, after describing the habits of this monstrous Chine-
panzee, he pointed out the principal characters which induced him to place the species next to man in Zoological rank.