Srocx Eacastroz, FarnAr ArrannooN.
The announcement on Monday of the New Austrian Loan for 6,000,000/., at 5 per cent per annum, at 80, caused the market for English Securities to open dull and heavy. There was, however, a strong feeling that the Loan would not be readily subscribed. Consols opened 95f f for both Money and Time, and continued about that price until after the Queen's speech was made known yesterday. The first impression was somewhat favourable, although only 1-16 improvement occurred ; but later in the day, and upon receipt of lower quotations from Paris, (Relates having declined 2 per cent) Consols fell to 954. Today there has been still greater heaviness and an additional decline of # per cent has taken place. Several speculative bar- gains have been entered into, as well as sales effected to close old accounts. The market is altogether in an extremely sensitive state, French telegrams immediately changing the tone either one way or the other. Purchases of 20,0001. continue daily to be made in New or Reduced by the Government Broker. Money has been in rather more demand, but the rate is stilt be- tween 1 and 2 per cent. Consols close finally for both February and March, 94; 95; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 95a 954; Bank Stock, 227 229; India Debentures, 982 99f. The fluctuations in Foreign Stock have not been to the extent that might have been looked for, considering the uncertainty of events as regards con- tinental politics. The cheapness of money, and the low price of most securities, prevent holders from selling ; and, on the other hand, purchases can hardly be expected while the present gloom exists; otherwise there is every probability of a sharp rise occurring. Many stocks pay at the present quotations from 6 to 8 per cent. The greatest alteration has taken place in Sardinian, which has drooped 3 per cent lower than last week. rfurkish New Six per Cent Bonds are comparatively good, 7 64 discount ; and Mexican, after advancing to 201 f has receded to 192 20. Money is plen- tiful at about 3 per cent. Very few transactions have taken place in the New Austrian Loan ; there was at one time a sharp demand, and the quo- tation was forced up to 1 premium, this figure has not been sustained, and the price is now nominally f 2 premium; Portuguese, 462 47; Venezuela Active, 43 44; Grenada' 19 20; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 91 92; Ditto, Three per Cent, 704 714; Victor Emmanuel, 88 90; Sardinian, 80 82; Spanish Three per Cents, 44 5 ; Ditto certificates, si 61. The English Share Market has been paralyzed throughout the week by the present uncertain state of Foreign polities. Speculators for a rise ap- pear to have closed their accounts to a great extent, and stock has been taken in small quantities by the public for investment. The fol- lowing dividends will be recommended at the forthcoming general meetings-51 per cent by the Midland Company, 52 by the London and South 'Western, 4 per cent by the Lancashire and Yorkshire, and 2 per cent by the Great Western, which company shows in addition a balance of upwards of 60,0001. to be carried forward. The last prices are Great Western, 55 554; Midland, 101 1014; North-Western, 942 ; Bristol and Exeter, 95 96 ; Caledonian, 421 Brighton, 108 19; Great Northern 104 105; North Staffordshire, 42 a dis; South-Eastern and Dover, 2f# 22f. French shares have been subject to violent fluctuations ; the decline averaging 1 to 14 per share. The settlement in the New Lom- bardo-Venetian took place yesterday, the quotations in these shares are now only as follows-2 4 prem. for the old and ft 4dis. for the new. Paris acid Strasbourg, 26 2; Lyons, 32 ; Northern of France, 36 4. Iidisn shares are very dell. East Indian, 101 102; Madras 20/. shares, 192 20.