Rstint t fa54intts, grata, &r.
The " turn " of the month, which took place last Monday and Tues- day, with the warehouses of the city, in the dry goods trade, when it is the practice to date forward, was anything but a good one. It must however be remembered that February is but a dull month ; smiths fact that buyers hold off will no doubt exercise a salutary influence on business generally creating a brisker, and more legitimate trade for March.
The flax market remains but sparely supplied ; correspondence from Glasgow states that the markets still keep going up, and flax has in some instance fetched double the price it reached this time last year."
The woollen cloth trade, is reported active, a good demand exists for broadcloths and superflnes as well as for goods prepared for the ap- proaching spring.
It has been the usage in Coventry, to prepay the carriage of hampers containing ribands to London: the expediency of discontinuing the prac tice, and of thus effecting a saving of this considerable item of expense, has lately been mooted by some of the manufacturers of that city.
The Commercial bulletin from France remarks on a slight fall in silks, in the South, in Italy, and in the markets of La Drome and Ardeehe. The stock of ootton both at Havre and Madras is considerable, and keeps its price ; during the last week wools and leathers have been much dealt in. Business at Paris is tranquil but the furniture makers, especially those of a luxurious or costly character of goods, have been well employed.