5 FEBRUARY 1954, Page 13

Sns,—Heaven knows that Dr. Edith Sitwell is in no need

of defenders, but I should like to say a word in favour of her method of retort to criticism. Crude hard hitting has always been a healthy prerogative of English literary Journalism; Dr. Sitwell's greetings cable for Mr. Hartley is mild enough when coMpared with the way English Bards belaboured Scotch Reviewers, and vice versa, in the days we call Romantic. Some of us would be sorry if Dr. Sitwell allowed herself to be pecked off Parnassus by the dicta of fledgling Poetesses who aim to make their nests there. Long may she continue to stuff, truss, poison, bastinado, roast or fry—in effigy, of course— all her adverse reviewers ! They are at liberty to retaliate.—Yours faithfully,