CIVIL DEFENCE Since 1945, after 5 years of national sacri-
fice, we have all lived on the brink of varying types of crises. Again and again have the heads of governments appealed to us to make economies; to forego many harmless pleasures; to do this and to do that. Behind these
pleas have been the threat of some dreadful fate that might befall our country if we should not co-operate. None of these terrible prophecies have yet happened, as far as the ordinary man can judge. You cannot keep calling fire over and over again and expecting people to respond as they did on the fir-t few occasions. That is why the posters about Civil Defence have no appeal, and why there are so few volunteers for any of the national
efforts.' This is the main reason why thil type of public spirit has so very nearly ex pi red.-- -Y ours faithfully, 4 Parkside Court, Gloucester Avenue." N.W.1