Weather Forecasts
Slit,—As far as I could understand it, we were told on the radio recently that the monthly weather fore- casts entailed the services of a team of twenty, and that about 50 per cent of what was forecast was moderately accurate. This result appeared to be the source of some satisfaction to the speaker. 1 suggest that for any practical purpose this is as useful as British Railways announcing that about 50 per cent of their trains—not specified—would arrive at their destination, or somewhere near it. Is it not time that the wasteful effort expended on this non- sense should be abandoned?
Any responsible meteorologist would, I think, agree that it is impossible to predict correctly for three days ahead the state of our unpredictable English weather--not to mention thirty days ahead. You or 1. sir. with only the slightest strain upon the cerebellum, would be likely to achieve monthly results equal to those of the official prophets. If, in- stead. we tossed tip a penny we might even do better! W. P. KIWI Tunnel Woods, Nascot Wood Road. Wat/ord. Herts.