The truth about Tavener
From Margaret, Viscountess Long Sir: John Tavener, although much younger than 1 am, is my Orthodox godfather and has written an introduction to my latest book. Like Peter Phillips, I am also a friend.
One wonders about a 'friend' writing `Tavener on top' (Arts, 15 January). Yet this is the sort of classic, satirical and spiritual attack that usually comes after a time of holiness such as we experienced while lis- tening to Tavener's Fall and Resurrection. John has just given this country an impor- tant work for the millennium. It is scrip- turally accurate, terrifyingly truthful and awesome. Therefore an anathema to our capitalist culture. John doesn't proselytise, but inspires a faith that is being torn apart.
For a 'friend' who professes to have such a detailed knowledge of John, Mr Phillips con- jures tip a very false picture of some Indian guru swanning around in a white Bentley. John doesn't have a white Bentley and when he arrived to stay with my family a week ago he was in a beaten-up Range-Rover filled with children and driven by his wife.
To bring in reference to the recent knighthood and to the Prince of Wales is offensive. Prince Charles is a spiritual man and John is a spiritual man. Is it surprising that they are friends? It is more surprising, and, dare I say, astonishing, that Peter Phillips in using the word 'hypocrite' can accept John's hospitality one day and write such vitriol the next.
Margaret Long
Castle Combe, Wiltshire