5 JANUARY 1839, Page 17
"iiturigratimi Fields. North America, the Cape. Australia, and New Zealand; Oct. ATI oug these Countries, and giving a Comparative iew of the Advantage they
• Im`sent to British Setth•rs. By Patrick Matthew, Author of ". Naval Timbl•r and
Arboriculture " Limgman and Cu.; Black, Edinburgh. MEnT.kr. l'int.usornv.
Eirrn..nin of the Pathology of the Haman Mind. By Thomas Mayo, M.D., F.R.S., Sze. &e. Murray.
rte.rms. •
The widow Barnah,y. lly Frauees Trollope, Author of " The Vicar 'of Wrexhill," " A Romance of Vienna," Sze. Ore. &e, In 3 vulg Bent/e,y.