It is fully anticipated that there will be an election
at Windsor imme- cliately after the meeting of Parliament, in consequence of the expected. retirement of Lord John Hay, one of the Lords of the Admiralty, recently appointed Superintendent of Plymouth Dockyard.—Standard.
Last night's Gazette contains the Royal "Commission for the pro- motion of the Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations, to be holden in the year 1851." These are the names— Prince Albert, the Duke of Buecleuch, the Earl of Rowe, Earl Granville, the Earl of Ellesmere, Lord Stanley, Lord John Russell, Sir Robert Peel, Henry Labouchere, William Ewart Gladstone, Sir Archibald Galloway or the Chairman of the Court of Directors of the East India Company for the time being, Sir Richard Westmacott, Sir Charles Lyell or the President of the Geological Society for the time being, Thomas Baring, Charles Barry, Thomas Bazley, Richard Cobden, William Cubitt, or the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers for the time being, Charles Lock Eastlake, Thomas Field Gibson, John Gott, Samuel Jones Loyd, Philip Pusey, and William Thompson. Secretary, John Scott RusselL
The Commission orders an inquiry as to the best mode for introducing: the productions of Colonies and foreign countries, the best site, the gene- ral conduct of the exhibition, and the distribution of the prizes. The fol. -t lowing gentlemen are appointed an " Executive Committee "- Henry Cole, Charles Wentworth Mike jun., George Drew, Francis Fuller, and Robert Stephenson. Secretary, Matthew Digby Wyatt.
The Dutchcss of Kent has contributed 1001. towards Mr. Sidney Her- bert's Female Emigration Fund.