3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents
shut ees 7
97 1 981 i Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents
Mexican 5 per Cents 1846
72 4 551 61 85 86 29 1 Long Annuities 81 9-16 Peruvian 6 per Cents 601 611 Bank Stock
2031 41
Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 36 7 Exchequer Bills 59 62 pm. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 82 4 India Stock 262 Russian 5 per Cents 109 111: Brazilian 5 per Cents 87 89 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 19 1 Belgian 41 per Cents 86 8 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 371 Chilian 6 per Cents j 98 100 Venezuela 98 100
28 ad
Danish 5 per Cents
1 The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 29th De- 1 cember exhibit, when compared with those of the preceding week, the fol- ' lowing results- BsaKnco DEPARTYINT. Increase. Decrease.
Rest £5,641 ... , - Public Deposits 225,787
} Other Deposits — .... .£124,475
Seven-day and other Bills 47,283 .... - Government Securities, including Dead-weight — .... Other Securities 617,499 ....
Notes unissued Actual Circulation ISSUE DEPARTMXNT
a Notes issued ' Bullion
Total Bullion in both Departments Actual Circulation — , 46,320 — 64,479
This week. Last week.
17,016,163 .... 17,080,642 18,226,760 17,803,410 469,670 SATURDAY TWELVE O'CLOCK.
The opening price of Consols for Account was 97 ; but as at the com- mencement of business there was an evident disposition to sell Stock, the price has since declined to 96f, and is now 961 /. A trilling decline occurred in the French Funds in Paris, and to this circumstance, and the absence of any large business, the trifling decline above noticed may be referred. There is no change or business of moment occurring in the Foreign Funds or Rail- way Shares.
SATURDAY, Two o'Crear.
The transactions of the morning have been unimportant. The English Funds are, however, rather firmer, the clming price of Consols being 961 97. In the Foreign Market, Peruvian lends have been the chief objects of inquiry. The recent improvement seems to have brought sellers to market, as the price has continued to decline during the morning, and closes at 601 611. Rail way Shares are not quite so firm as yesterday, and it seems probable that the recent advance will not be supported. The following are the principal bar- gains recorded in Foreign Stocks—Brazilian, 88f ; Ditto, 1829 and 1839, 861; Buenos Ayres, 481; Equador Sf ; Grenada, 161 ; Ditto Deferra31; Mexi- cant 291 29 • Peruvian, 61 64 ; Portuguese, Four per Cents, 36 1; Spanish Active 191 '1 ; Venezuela, Deferred, 91; Dutch, Two-and-a- per Cents, .56 5} i ; Ditto Four per Cents, 85. Ttai ways—Bristol and Exeter, 58; Caledonian, 1011; Ditto Preference, ni; Chester and Holyhead, 91 ; Great Northern, 71 1 .' London and Black- i wall, 31; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 771 ; London and North- western, 111 10 i- Ditto New Quarter-shares, 123; London and South- western, 61} 2 1}; Midland, 431 1 f 2}; Ditto 50l. Shares, 7 61 f 1; New- castle and Carlisle, 86; North British, Quarter-shares, 21; Scottish Central, 141; South-eastern and Dover, 191 1 ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 161; iYork and North Midland, 17} ; Ditto Preference, 61; Boulogne and Amiens, 8/ 8 71; Namur and Liege, 7*; Northern of France, 11 dis. ; Paris and Rouen, 22 1 3.
The English Funds have advanced, and the highest quotation of Consols has been 1 per cent above that of last week ; and although a reaction to the extent of 1 per cent has occurred, the improvement established has been about f per cent. Consols for Account have been during the day as high as 971, but close at 961 97. The most remarkable transaction of the week has been a very extensive purchase of Long Annuities by the Bank Broker. This stock is considered as much above its actual value. The price at which the investment has been made was 81. lb. 3d. for every U. annuity ; which is as nearly as possible investing the money for the term of ten years (which these Annuities have to run) at the rate of 3 per cent. At 3 per cent, the value of an annuity of 11. to continue for ten years is 81. 10a. 7d. The purchaser has, however, the advantage of the three-months dividend now due, amount- ing to 58. upon every pound. annuity ; so that the actual cost is only 8/. as. 3d. per pound annuity. The character of the operations has continued the same. Stock is still brought to market by the smaller stockholders, while the speculators and large capitalists are buying. The books of the Three per Cent Consols, and the other Stocks now closed for the dividend, will open for private transfer on Monday, and the dividends will be.paid to the public on Wednesday The principal business in the Foreign Market has occurred in Peruvian Bonds, which have been in considerable demand, and have risen 9 per cent in the course of the week ; the. price having been as high as 64, and closing at 62. The other South Amencan Stocks have not been materially affected; and we believe that the advance in Peruvian is owing to a local circumstance, namely, the improvement in the demand for guano, and hence the prospect of funds for the payment of the dividends. Mexican Bonds have continued steady at about 29. Spanish Active Stock has been in better demand, and advanced from. 1 to f per cent ; an influential and extensive purchase hav- ing yesterday given a tone to the market. Portuguese Four per Cents are firm, without much business. So are the Russian, Dutch, and Northern European Securities generally. The Railway Shares have recovered the depression of last week. North- western have reached 111 ; being an advance of more than 41. from the lowest price. Great Western have risen between 1/. and 21. from our last prices, and are today nearly as high as last week. Midland have risen about 11. or ll. 10s.; but have been higher, and have gone back about ll. There does not appear to have been any specific reason for the decline of last week, unless it was to be found in the sudden pressure of Stock upon the market. The holders of Railway Shares are now in a position of considerable uncertainty. It will not be possible to determine the profit or loss to the great lines from the working of the collateral lines, and those which have been taken on lease, by any other test than that of actual experience ; and it will be some time before this test can be afforded. In the mean time, it arss that the tendency of ' diiidends is not towards improvement ; and as not but an actual augment- ation of profits will restore public confidence, it is impossible to say that the gloomy period has passed or is passing away.