T ir . e .Trench Assembly has been engaged in a long and somewhat -
confused detitul----,„ Tir.e.Trench Assembly has been engaged in a long and somewhat- confused detitul----,„ whirh exhibits both Government and the several treaty concluded by Admii-ain`tE01Zr
Ayres, which came before the Assembly for
parties in imkosing aspect. The subject was a
with Resits at Buenos- cation, and which it too political was generally considered too favourable to the Dictator,
little consulted the interests of the very numerous body_of Fm merchants and adventurers at Monte Video. As reporter. of the Com- mittee on the treaty, M. Napoleon Daru proposed to disallow the treaty, and to take a course the nature of which he left to the re- sponsible Government,—meaning that Government should adopt some warlike coercion. In reply, General de la Hitte, the Foreign Minister, proposed a conipronuse,—neither to ratify the treaty, nor to renew hostilites, but to protect French interests with a sufficient force, and " to continue the negotiations "; in other words, to gain time. On Tuesday, M. Thiers came down prepared to make a for- midable attack on Ministers ; but he was silenced by a hremorrhage from the mouth; his tongue, it is said, failing him in his new Le- gitimist part, under the infliction of a cancer. If that is true, the occurrence of a bleeding should look formidable.