In the course of a few days, a General Council of War is to be held at Paris; at which England will be represented by his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, Sir Richard Airey, and Sir Harry Jones, to- gether with Admirals Sir Edmund Lyons and Dundas. The object of this Council is to collect, to interchange, and to consider all possible in- formation with respect to the war in every quarter; but it will not be in the province of the Council to plan campaigns, or to decide in the be- ginning of January what is to be done in April. The Council, having deliberated fully on the important subjects which will suggest themselves to them, will communicate the results of their labours to their respective Governments; who will discuss the questions which may be raised, and, having decided them, will give the orders necessary to secure the objects they may have in contemplation.—Morning Post, Jan. 5.