5 JANUARY 1861, Page 23


FOREIGN FUNDS (Last Official CluotaMon &minutiae Week ending Friday Evening.)

Austrian 5 p. Ct. 441 Preach 4.4 P•01-

Belgian 41 — — Mexican .. 3 —

Ditto 24— Peruvian 46 — Brazilian 6 — 991 Portuguese 1818 ..........I —

Buenos Ayres 5 — 661 Broaden 5 — Chili= 6 — — Sardinian 6 —

Danish a — Spanish $ —

Ditto 3 — Ditto New Deferred 3 — Dutch (Bx. II Guilders) .21 — Ditto Passive Ditto 4 — lel Turkish 6 French 3 Venezuela 3 — SHARES.

(Last Metal quotation daring the Week ending Friday livenbig.) BRITISH FUNDS. (Caosiarrrkam.) Saturti. Maisaisals Fo4aW.dsses.

Spec Cent Consols

Ditto for Account zer Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents Amenities 1880 Annuities 1883 Bank Stock, 10 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent Exchequer Bills, 112. per diem Exchequer Bonds, 3001 India Bonds 4 per Cent shut

921 92 921 92

57921 2

92 92


shut —



— 233 331 —

shut --

1415. :par

3 dis.


— sail.

921 9 16 233 I 10 1311 914 IN — lel} 23.2 — 3 — 6

Pakiloy 17usrs,..


I08:1 82 4 401 101 11



Brlstoland Exeter Caledonian Chester and Holyhead Eastern Counties Edinburgh and Glasgow Glasgow and South-Western.., Great Northern Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire

Lancaster and Carlisle London, Brighton At South Coast

Loudon and Black nail London and North-Western London and South-Western— , Manchester, Sheffieldoft Lincoln Midland Midland GreatWestern (Ireland) North British North-Eastern—Berwick North-Eastern—York Oxford, Woe. & Wolverhampton Scottish Central Scottish Midland South -Eastern and Dover

Eastern of France

East Indian Geelong and Melbourne Grand Trunk of Canada Great Indian Peninsular five t Western of Canada

Paris and Lyons Minas—

Australian Brazilian Imperial Ditto St. John del Rey Cobre Copper Rhyniney Iron BULLION. Per os.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard £317 9 Mexican Dollars 0 0 0 Silver in Bars, Staadard ..... 0 0 0 FLOUR.

Town -made per sack 67a. to Ws.

Seconds 48 51 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 46 —49 Norfolk and Stockton 40 — 42 American per barrel 92 — 35 Canadian 32 — 112 Bread, 74. to 94. the 41b. loaf.


Australasian British North Annuitant


Colonial Commercial of London Engl. Seotah.dt AuztrallanCbtd London London and County London Chrtd. ink, of Australia London Joint Stock London and Westminster National Bank .

National Provincial New South Wales Oriental Ottoman Provincial of Ireland South .....

Union of Australia.

Union of London Unity


Beat and West India,,,, London London St. Katherine



Australian Agricultural British American Land Canada Crystal Palace Electric Telegraph General Steam London DIscosult National Discount Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mall Steam South Australian METALS. Per ton.

Copper, Brit. Cakes L102 10 0 E0 Iron, Welsh Sara..... 6 5 0 .. 7 0 0 Lead, British Pig ... 24 10 0 .. 15 0 0 Steel, Swedish Keg.. 17 5 0 . 1719 I I. s.

Indian Corn. 411.45 Oats, Feed.. 20-24 Fine .... 0— 0 Poland ... 22-31 Fine .... 0— Potato 27-30 Fine..., 30 — SE


Butter—Beet Fresh, 186. 04. dos. Carlow, W. Da. to et. Oa. per cwt.

Bacon, Irish . per cwt. 64s. — OB.

Cheese, Cheshire, Die 76 — 84

Derby, pale 70 — 76 Hams, York 76 — OS Eggs, French., per 1E0. D. 64. to Si. Od. 100


631 1131 741 1191 210 1174 63 102 951 551 1371 511 66 1081 961 88 881 991 231 96 I If 331 27 BANK OF ENGLAND.

An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, rap. 32, for the week ending en Wednesday the 2d day of Jan. 1881.

mous ...........

Notes; tamed 526,411,410 Government Debt E11,015,100 Other Securities 3.459,01/0 Gold Coln and Bullion 10,292,200 Silver Bullion 1,644,110 E26,411,410

BAn nine DlealaTaaNT.

f.25,411,410 Proprietors • Capital._ £14,553,000 Government Securities (incle- Rest 3,117,078 ding Dead WeightAunniq). £9,450,155 Public Deposits* 7,273,906 Other Sonorities 22,836,483 Other Deposits 12,224,494 Notes 13,899,815 Seven Days and other Bills . 610,417 Gold and Silver Coln 716,429 — £28,060,032 £38,960,555 • Including Exchequer, Saving.Banka,Corumisslonersof National Debt,and Div. Acct.

GRAIN, Mark Low, Jan. 4

0. J. a. 8.

Wheat,R. O. Oto 0 Fine 61 to 57 Pine 72 to 74 Fine 0— 0 Poreign,IL 65-68 Peas, Hog... 36-40 Red, New 41-46 White P. 73-77 Maple .... 38-40

Fine 46-53 Rye 34-40 White,... 38-44

White Old 0— 0 Barley 28-33 Blue 0— 0 :me ...... 0 — 0 Malting.. 38-45 Bemis, Ticks 36— 46 New 41-51 I Halt, Ord... 67-79 Harrow— 50-65 WEEKLY AVERAGE. SIX-WEEKS AVERAGE.

For the Week ending Dec. 29. Per Qr. (Imperial) of Engles* and Wales.

Wheat 64s. 0.6. Rye 34s. 74 Wheat.... 53r. 7d. I Rye 34,. 04,

Earley 39 7 Beans 44 19 Earley . 39 6 I Beans 46 10

Oats 112 6 ream 48 7 Oats 22 it ;Peas 41 7