Longfellow's Poetical Works. Illustrated by John Gilbert. (Rout- ledge.)—Our publishers
seem never tired of presenting us with hand- some editions of Longfellow. They are justified, we believe, by the popularity of the poet ; everybody can appreciate the easy flow of his pleasant and sensible versa, and the most prosaic are not troubled with any difficulty in finding out his meaning. Hence edition after edition goes off, and we have no doubt that the one before us will be as succesaful as its predecessors. It certainly deserves to be so ; it is tolerably com- plete, comprising most of the later productions of the anther, though not quite his last words, and it is charmingly illustrated by Mr. Gilbert. The co-operation of that gentleman distinguishes it amidst the crowd of rivals, the subject-matter is exactly suited to the genius of the artist, and the result is a volume which takes high rank amongst the gift- books of the season.