The Cowes people have been giving a dinner to the
New York Yacht Club, Sir John Simeon, M.P., in the chair. The speeches were exceedingly affectionate on both the English and American side, and Mr. L. R. Jerome made, in the name of the New York Yacht Club, a very amusing speech. "I am, perhaps," he said, 4, the only person in our party who has not his speech carefully written out and ready for delivery," which was taking a mean advantage of his unhappy colleagues. He described the origin of the yacht bet at a dinner, only the Fleetwing and the Vesta being origi- nally parties to it, and Mr. J. G. Bennett, of the Henrietta, being cheerfully admitted to a place, because his yacht was thought by far the slowest of the three. Mr. Jerome said he found" December just the time for Cowes. Hereafter I shall advise all my friends who want to go to Europe to come in a yacht in the month of December, and arrive at Cowes,"—which shows that Mr. Jerome has a strongly generalizing habit of mind, as well as a lively humour.