Tuesday's Times publishes an interesting letter from Mr Holls, an
able American lawyer, defending the action of the Senate in its recent handling of the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty. We have always held that the Americanisation of the canal and its fortification would be in no way injurious to this country, though we believe that the line of least international friction for the United States lay in the adoption of the plan of action laid down by the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty. But though we do not object to our Government agreeing to the Senate's amendments, but instead favour their adoption as likely to secure the making of the canal, we hold that the Senate treated the treaty obligations of America in a spirit which cannot be approved by those who desire to see good faith maintained between nations. Still, that is more a matter for public opinion in the United States than for us. We cannot injure ourselves because the Senate has acted churlishly. Meantime we note that the President of the United States, in an interview with the Washington corre- spondent of the Daily Telegraph, states that the amended Hay-Pauncefote Treaty has been sent to our Foreign Office. That being so, we hope that the amendments will be treated solely on their merits, and without thought as to the Senate.