The Art Journal, 1900. (H. Virtue and Co. 21s. net.)—It
is needless to say much about this annual volume. The Art Journal is, we think, the oldest of the periodicals of its class, and need not, as regards either its literary or its artistic contents, fear comparison. We cannot help regretting some of the changes in the methods of reproduction. While such a picture as "In Time of Peace" leaves nothing to be desired, we cannot say as much for " The Piano " and " The City of Durham." Of the articles we may mention that on " The Decoration of the Choir of St. Paul's Cathedral." Opinions will certainly differ about the writer's judgment, but it is a serious attempt to estimate a work on which much labour and thought have been expended, and which cannot be dismissed in a few hasty sentences, the outcome of a casual inspection. We must also mention the appreciative notice of Mr. Joseph Pennell, illustrated by some characteristic examples from that master of the pen.