The Preacher's Dictionary. By E. F. Cavalier, M.A. (Hodder and
Stoughton. 12s.)—" A Compendium of Religious and Secular Thought" is a pretty large scheme. In fact, it compre- hends all things temporal and eternal. Mr. Cavalier has put together, we need hardly say, many things worthy of being re- membered and studied, but we are inclined to doubt his thorough equipment for the task. He acknowledges his obligations to " Bloomfield's Greek Testament." But this is obsolete. The work of Grimm, to mention one name only, has supersede' it. Then the results of criticism have not been properly assimilated. Here are some specimens :—" Psalms : nearly half are composi- tions of the Hebrew King " ; "Proverbs (author, King Solomon, excepting chaps. xxx.-xxxi.)" ; to Song of Solomon : the same author" ; " Job : most ancient poetical book extant." Of course, these things are common enough as popular beliefs, but no serious student holds them.