The Princess of Wales, as President of the Soldiers' and
Sailors' Families Association, has issued a further appeal for subscriptions. The task imposed on the Association by the exigencies of the war has been the maintenance of the family in the same position as when the chief breadwinner was at home, and it has been decided that this end would be fairly secured if the income were made up to about two-thirds of what it was previous to separation. In the fulfilment of this task nearly 2750,000—the entire amount entrusted to the Associa- tion—has already been expended ; eighty thousand families are still being relieved at the cost of £50,000 per month, and as these numbers show no immediate prospect of substantial diminution, and the local funds are exhausted, the need of further public aid on a liberal scale is sufficiently obvious. " Without further funds," writes the Princess, "these homes must be broken up, and all that we have been doing for the last twelve months will be undone. This will be especially felt during the winter months, when coals and other necessaries of life have increased in prioe."