The speech of Mr. Naoroji at the Indian National Congress
has been met by a counter-demonstration from the Moham- medans, which shows how idle is the pretence of the Congress to speak for the races of India. At the Mohammedan Educa- tional Conference at Dacca last week three thousand delegates attended, and at a special meeting under the presidency of Vicar-ul-Mulk it was resolved to form an All India Moslem League. The objects of the new organisation are stated to be the promotion of loyalty to the British Government among the Mussulman population, the pro- tection of Mussulman interests, and the prevention of " the rise among the Mussulmans of India of any feelings of hostility towards other communities." The president in his address condemned the tone of the National Congress, and declared that, the safety of Mohammedans lying in loyalty to the Government, they must be prepared to fight for it if necessary ; while the Nawab of Dacca, who moved the resolution, declared that the formation of the League had been forced upon them to save themselves from being submerged by the noisy majority of the other races. The objects of the League are excellent; but we confess that we do not like this feeling among Mohammedans that they must organise into a camp by them- selves. That is the real danger of the National Congress, as we have always pointed out, —that in agitating for union it makes for racial disunion.