Sxa,—I have only just read the article on our Lore as the first true gentleman in your last issue, which has beep delayed in delivery. I wish it were possible to have it in the hands of all Englishmen. I can conceive of nothing better calculated. to set forth in clear and striking language the great characteristic which would long ago have united Chrietendom: but for .the invasion of the simple faith by those pharisaic elements which are so subversive of His teaching. It is the picture of Jesus as the flower of humanity, the type of all that is noble and generous, which is needed to take the, place of a being whom we can scarce reckon as our own kith and kin, seated in regal majesty- by His 'Fathe'r's side. , The writer of the article has written before in' the same sense, but never, I think, with the same convincing power. I should like to see this condensation of his thesis widely distributed. [To 211. EDITOR Or TEE "srzerszes.n
—I am, Sir, &c., E. D. STONE. Helensbourne, Abingdon.
[Though the letters which we receive in commendation cf our articles are always most welcome and most useful, we cannot, as a rule, publish them. We feel, however, we may make an exception in Mr. Stone's case, and may mention that several other correspondents have written to us in a strain no less sympathetic.—ED. Spectator.]