Love in London. By A. St. John Adcock. (Francis Griffiths.
6s.)—This is a series of short stories, all of which have their origin in different phases of life in the Metropolis, most of them being concerned with the lower middle class. There are a great many hospitals in the work, and more than one death. Yet the book does not leave a dreary impression on the mind of the reader. The most remarkable story is perhaps "The Making of a Star," though this type of study was more interesting when it was a little more original. However, the figure of Gabriel, the almost half-witted youth who cleans the boots in a lodging-house, is well realised, and he has the good fortune to die before dis- covering that the object of his romantic affection is quite unworthy. Mr. St. John Adcock always writes with cleverness ; but two dozen stories, all of which to a certain extent strike the same note, are rather too many to give the world at the same time.