[To the Editor of Tun SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I desire to protest with all the emphasis of which I am capable against your printing the expression Catholic (with a capital "C "), in Mr. Joad's article on Mr. Arnold Lunn's Now I See, in your issue of December 22nd, 1933.
Surely it is known to your readers that catholic means universal. A Roman Catholic is a Roman Catholic, not a Catholic, and I should be grateful if you would publish this correction. It is only the outrageous arrogance of the Roman Catholic Church that tries to get its membersieferred to as Catholics.—! am, Sir, &e., GERALD P. K. HELLER. 19 Pall Mall, Manchester, 2.
[The Spectator itself employs the term Roman Catholic, but contributors who prefer to use the simple word Catholic have the full authority of the Oxford English Dictionary behind them.—En. The Spectator.]