"Spectator" Booklets One of the inevitable disadvantages attached to articles
published in a daily or weekly paper is their evanescence. They are read often with interest and appreciation, but except in the rare instances where they are cut out and preserved in some more or less inconveni- ent form they are gone as soon as the day or week of issue is past. That in most cases is inevitable, but in regard to certain series of articles on special subjects that have recently appeared in The Spectator arrangements have been made with Messrs. Methuen and Co., the well-known publishers, for their republication in convenient but inexpensive form, under the general title of Spectator Booklets. The first three booklets (Is. each, in boards) are in course of preparation. The first, containing the articles by Lord Lothian, Lord Eustace Percy, M. Andre Maurois and others on "Parliament or Dictatorship," will appear on January 18th; the series on "The Next 'Ten Years" (from the Christmas Number of The Spec- tator) on January 25th; and that on The Future Life, now bearing the title, "After Death ? ", on February 1st. Further Spectator Booklets will be added from time to titne,