SIR,—In your issue of December 29th Mr. Graham Greene reviews the film The Rains Came. I have not yet seen the film, but I have read, and have been greatly impressed by, Mr. Louis Bromfield's book from which the film takes its title.
When, therefore, Mr. Greene proceeds to say, " I haven't read Mr. Bromfield's book, but I think it would be safe to say that this is the sort of story which is unbearable in book form because of the dim characterisation and the flat prose," one feels constrained to utter a protest.
It is emphatically not " safe to say " any of the things said by your contributor about this book, which I believe was a " best-seller "; nor does it seem a " safe " proceeding to write a condemnation of a book that one has not read.
Those of our friends who have read this novel regard it, as we do, as one of the most vivid and memorable of recent years. I recommend Mr. Graham Greene to read it.—Yours faith-