Porn assertion
From Mr Clive Turner.
Sir: In her letter (29 December) about the effect of pornography on society, Debra Lake mentions quite inexplicably that 'the numbers of men with prostate disease are increasing without clear reasons'. May I ask her why she thinks this has a connection with porn?
I happen to have counselled many hundreds of men with prostate problems, main ly those with prostate cancer, and for the life of me I cannot in any sense understand why an acknowledged increase in the medical presentation of prostate conditions has the remotest relationship with pornography.
Nobody knows why there is an upsurge in prostate disease. Some experts are convinced it is to do with better and more thorough diagnoses. Others blame modern diet. Still others maintain that there is a strong genetic link. But nobody in peer-reviewed literature or within validated research has ever suggested bracketing pornography with prostate illness. It is shameful, unkind and, frankly, ignorant of Debra Lake to include this in her comments.
Clive Turner
Pinner. Middlesex