5 JULY 1828, Page 19


War Office, June 30, 1828.

ad Light Dragoons—Surgeon James Barlow, from the 71st Foot, to be Surgeon, vice Roger Chambers Walker, who retires upon half-pay.

4th Light Dragoons—William Skipwith, Gent., to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Fawkes, appointed to the 10th Light Dragoons. '11th Light Dragoons—Hospital-Assistant Isaac Brooks, to be Assistant-Surgeon, vice Wilson, whose appointment has not taken place.

10th Light Dragoons—Cornet Richard Fawkes, from the 4th Light Dragoons, to be Cornet, vice Wedderburn, promoted ; Cornet and Adjutant James Preston, to have the rank of Lieutenant.

3rd Foot—Captain Maurice Barlow to be Major, by purchase, vice Innes, who retires, Captain Allan Stewart, from the 29th Foot, to be Captain, vice Barlow. 5th Foot—Ensign Philip H. Nelson Guy to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Hill, promoted ; John Jones, Gent., to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Guy. 8th Foot—Edward Orme, Gent., to be Ens., by pur., vice Murphy, who retires. I I th Foot—Captain John Parson Westropp, from the half-pay, to be Captaiu, vice Peter Browne, who exchanges, receiving the diffeience.

29th Foot—Lieutenant George Congreve to be Captain, by purchase, vice Stewart, appointed to the 3rd Foot; Ensign Christopher Humphrey to be Lieut. by pur., vice Congreve; Charles Adams, Gent., to he Ensign, by taws vice Humphrey.

32nd Foot—Captain Thomas 1mpett. from the half-pay, to be Captain, vice White, who retires ; Ensign Francis John Griffin to be Lieutenant withunt purchase, vice Slacke, deceased ; Gentlemen Cadet Cuthbert A. Baines, from the Royal Military College, to he Ensign, vice Giffin. 35th Foot—Captain-Beauchamp Kerr, from the half-pay, to he Captain, vice James Jocelyn Anderson, who exchanges, receiving the difference. 36th Foot—Major Charles Rowley, from the half-pay, to be Major, vice George Ford, who exchanges, receiving the difference. 41st Foot—Hospital-Assistant John Maitland to be Asst-Sur., vice Tennent, dec. 42nd Foot—Captain James Furlong to be Major, by purchase, vice Considine. pro- moted; Lieutenant Wilbraham Egerton to be Captain, by purchase, vice Furlong; Ensign William Bell to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Egerton ; and Richard Jones Congreve, Gent., to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Bell.

58th Foot—Hospital-Assistant 1.1'illiam Toulmin to be Assistant-Surgeon, vice Huey, appointed to the 14th Light Dragoons.

62nd Foot—Lieutenant James Joseph Brett, from the half-pay, to be Lieutenant, vice Franklin Lecky, who exchanges, receiving difference.

65th Foot—Lieutenant James Trade, from half-pay 60th Foot, to he Lieutenant, vice Edward St. Vincent Digby, who exchanges.

71st Foot—Assistant-Surgeon John Winterscale lobe Surgeon, vice Barlow, ap- pointed to the 3rd Light Dragoons ; Hospital-Assistant George Ferguson to be Assistant-Surgeon, vice Winterscale.

75th Foot—Quartermaster Richard Berry, from half-pay 44th Foot, to be Quarter- termaster, vice William 111 Pherson, who exchanges.

76th Foot—Lient, George Percy Pickard, from the Ceylon Ilegiment to be Lieut., vice Preston, appointed Qr.-Mast.; and Lieut. John William Preston, to be Qr.- Mast., vice Lieut., Alexander Russwurtn, who retires upon half-pay.

Slat Foot—Ensign Jasper Bytig Creagh to he Lieut., without pur., vice Thompson, dec.; George Andrew Greagh, Gent., to be Ensign, vice Creagh.

88th Foot—Capt. Edward Cerjat Spencer, from the half-pay, to be Capt., vice John Burrell, who exchanges, receiving the difference.

89th Foot—Lieut. Robert Lewis to be Capt., by pur., vice Arrow, whose promo- tion has not taken place.

2nd l West India Regt.—Capt Oswald Pilling, from half-pay Royal African Corps, to be Capt., vice Halleott, whose appointment has not taken place.

Ceylon Regt.—Lieut. Patrick Plunkett, from the half-pay 50th. Foot, to be Lieut., vice Packard, appointed to the 76th Foot.


Maj. James Considine, from the 43rd Foot, to be Lient.-Col. of infantry, hy pur. Lieut. Edward Eustace Hill, from the 5th Foot, to be Capt. of Infantry. Ensigns Charles Fortescue Kerr and William Henry Gillman, Gents., to be 1:11,,iellS, by pur.

The undermentioned Officer, having Brevet rank superior to his regimental com- mission has accepted promotion upon half-pay, according to the General Order of the 25th April, 1826—Brevet Lieut.- Colutiel Leslie Walker, from the 34th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. of Infantry.

The under-mentioned Lieutenants, actually serving upon full pay, in Regiments of the Line, whose commissions are dated in or previous to the year ll I. have accepted promotion upon half-pay, according to the General Order of the 27th De- cember, 1826 :—Lieut. Roger Sweeny, from the 59th Foot, and Lieut. Walter John Mahon, from the 51st Foot, to be Captains of Infantry.


Hospital-Assistant George Gulliver to he Assistant-Surgeon to the Forces, vice Forbes, appointed to the 72nd Foot.


The undermentioned Officers have been allowed to dispose of their commissions : —Lieut.-Col. Nathaniel Cameron, half-pay 79th Foot ; Ensign John Baticock, half- pay 57th Foot ; Ensign Henry King, half-pay 3rd West India Regiment.

The Christian names of the lion. Lieut.-.Col. Bathurst, upon the half-pay, are Seymour Thomas, and not Thomas Seymour, as has been heretofore stated. The Thristian names of Lieut. Pulteney, of the 12th Light Dragoons, are John Apsley, - he name of the Captain who exchanged from the 71;th Foot to the half-pay, on 24th. January last, is Ogilvy, and not Ogilvie, as formerly stated. The Christian names of Deputy Assistant-Commissary-General Hansard are Solomon Edman, and not Solomon Edward, as stated in the Gazette of the 24th June, 1828.