5 JULY 1913, Page 9

It is impossible to deal adequately with an orator and

an oration of this type. One feels that Mr. Lloyd George will only have to make a few more Marconi speeches to convince himself and his hard and fast supporters that instead of his transactions in American Marconis being anything for which he should express regret, they are the moat glorious episode in his life, and that in reality he was there setting up the noblest standard of conduct and providing rare and refreshing fruit for the poor of this land and for politicians for all time. Overmastered by his love of the poor and the afflicted, the beautiful mountains of Wales, and his happy and Christian home at Criccieth, he dared even the horrors of the London Stock Exchange, and, defying all the powers of unrighteous- ness, brought forth from it an ample dividend of honey and beneficence.