5 JULY 1919, Page 35

I Discovered Pelmanism.

"The outstanding feature of this work was the famous raid on Cuxhaven on Christmas Day, 1914. After a varied war experience in many theatres of war, from the North Sea to Aden, sometimes experiencing success, sometimes encountering failure, my peregrinations found me once again in London in January, 1917. Then it was that, through a friend, I discovered Pelmaniam

Luckily, just after that time, through difference of opinion with the existing authorities, I was enabled to go for a six months" change of air' in H.M.S. Lion, the flagship of the Battle Cruiser Force with the Grand Fleet.

"Whilst no one will deny the difficulties and strenuous nature of naval life competed to other forms of warfare it certainly provides periods of comparative calm and period; when it is possible to put in good solid study, and in this respect, therefore, Pelmanism was enabled to get a good six months' footing.

"One can only judge by results. From my own experience I am quite satisfied that the work done and progress made in the last two years have amply repaid the moderate investment expended in undergoing the Paulen Course.

"The successive stages, which were undeniably satisfactory, prove, without doubt, that there must be something in the Pelman idea, because on December 28th, 1918, lessthan two years later, one of its youngest students finds himself in the House of Commons, with the addition of many other responsibilities and duties.