Three,. Practical Results.
"Now, Sirs, what is it about Pelmanism that is so wonderful ? There are three practical results arising from Pelmanitam. There is the War 'use, the Professional uses and the-Educational use. Them are the three outstanding results which people have attained through Pelmanism.
"The War use manifests itself in the results achieved by officers and men who have undertaken the Pelman Course, in the field, either by acts of gallantry, or in overcoming fear, in stimulating personal energy and courage, in enduring hardships, and thwarting apparently insurmountable difficulties with unfia,gging persistence and undaunted will-power.
"The Personal use manifests itself in the advanced positions obtained by Pelmanists in thevast field of ' Professionalism ' throughout which the Pelman idea has permeated. This covers the wide range from the office boy, whose ambition, goal, and desire it is to become a junior clerk, up to the managing director of a great financial combine, whose ambition is to control-threequarters of the globe rather than nearly one-half !
"Then there is the Educational point of view, which means the widening and expanding of all the component parts of the human being.
"What is the practical explanation of these extraordinary results ? No successful business can ever be run without a
policy ; no shareholders could ever be induced to risk; their money in a concern without aims, without a scheme, and yet every day we find a large number of people gambling with their own lives, treating their lives in a manner in which they would never dream of jtandling far less important business matters, which are possibrY small matters of a few pounds.
" Carr anyone imagine a more anomalous policy ? And what is the reason for it ? It is because people have never taken the trouble to think. They have never considered the fact that a great many laws of commonsense apply as much to the human being as they do to the world of business.
"No one can go through the Pelman Course without being compelled to face boldly the hard facts of this life, and to erect and at least visualise mentally the goal-posts of this short mortal life. No one can over-estimate the benefits of such a Course, and if we succeed in erecting a chain of concentric goal-posts, if we can successfully formulate some of the general aims of this life, some broad purpose for existence, much good will have been done.