The speech undoubtedly represents the desire of Italy. It is
because of the murder of Matteotti by the extreme and unrepresentative section of the Fascists that the popu- larity of Fascismo has, for the time at any rate, waned almost as suddenly as it waxed. The people gave Fascismo their confidence because they believed it was a force making for unity. It is because they now feel that it has done an injury to Italy that their mood is changed. For ourselves, we hope that Signor Mussolini, who is unquestionably a great administrator and a great political " foreman of the works," will not lose his hold on the people, but will be able to carry on his work of making all Italy a close-bound faggot. The whole business is a curious example of how easily power demoralizes men or groups of men when they think it is unlimited. * * * *