In our opinion, the present situation with regard to the
liquor traffic is most dangerous and unsatisfactory. We give a tremendous monopoly to the Trade, and then tax that monopoly so heavily and ring it round with so many restrictions that we force upon the retailers of alcohol a system of intensive trading. They can only make the profit which every business must desire to make by employing all the arts of the salesman. But alcohol, a benefit, as we believe, in moderation but a terrible evil when the line of moderation is overstepped, is the last commodity in which intensive trading should be encouraged and stimulated. We do not want Pro- hibition. It is a great evil. But we want no provoca- tion or suggestion for the consumption of liquor. There- fore the liquor trade is an ideal trade for the State to handle. It will sell to people who really do want alcohol, and have a right to have it ; but it will make no effort to get business.