In the House of Commons on Monday the Government suffered
defeat. Colonel Howard Berry moved an amendment to the Entertainment Tax exempting from duty any entertainment the whole of the profits of which were devoted to philanthropic or educational purposes. The Government refused to yield, and on a division they were beaten by a majority of fifty-five. Mr. Baldwin, not receiving what he considered a satisfactory answer to a question as to what the Government would do next, moved to report progress, and it looked for a time as if the Ministry would be defeated again. When, however, it was obvious that a second defeat of so marked a character could hardly be passed over by the Govern- ment, the Liberals rallied to their assistance and once more the Government were saved. Mr. Baldwin's motion was negatived by a Government majority of sixty-eight. The situation is superficially an absurd one. Both sections of the Opposition are willing to wound, but both are also afraid to strike.
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