5 JULY 1924, Page 9


11HERE have been two major developments in the great triangular negotiations between England, France and Germany, which still dominate the European scene. First, .G.-ermany .has answered " Yes " to the Allied demand for another general inspection of German arma- ments7bx the Inter:Allied Commission of Military Control. Three, months ago, .must be remembered, Germany refused^ phis demand. Her Government now states that she accepts it because she' detects a new tone of concilia- tion_ 'and reasonableness_ in Allied communications. Here, then, is a tangible. result of M. Herriot's and Mr. 11fieDonald's new 'policy.-- True, the German Note contains v. good "deal of _very contentious matter on the subject Oftthe harmleisness of 'German -athletic clubs. This the Paris Nationalist Press has, of course, seized upon as proof of the renewed perfidy of Germany. But, after all, it does not very much matter what Germany says about her amateur military organizations if she is willing to allow the Allies to inspect them. Quite obviously this part of the German Note was put in as a sop to the German Nationalist Parties. It is hopeless to expect the German Government to plead guilty on every count.
