.11 Air raids, 183, 234, 235, 281, 305,
329, 354, 407, 569 Alarm and alert signals ••• 259 Albania, Italy and Greece, 158; fighting in -• -. 597. 665 Aliens, internment of, 135, 183, 211.
235. 570, 591 Allied Central Africa ... 430 Allied Governments in Britain, 110, 258 America, 2, 25, 49, 182, 209, 233, 235, 257, 282, 306, 330, 378, 430, 466, 570, 571, 598, 665, 690 Army High Command, the, 83; the Army's part, 235; welfare of the troops, 283; the Army in Britain 430
Australian elections .. 3o6
BALKANS, the, 82, 109, 134, 258, 2132, 209, 306, 406, 569, 626, 665 Battle for Britain, the Blockade, new methods of, no;
America and the 598 Bomb-proof shelters ... 282 Books, the taxation of 3, 155 Britain's aid to Greece 597 Budget, the ... ... 8x
CABINET changes . 690 Camouflage ... ••• 431
Censors, excesses of ... •• • 571
Chad 2to
Chamberlain, Mr., and national unity Channel Islands, occupation of ... 2 Cherbourg, the shelling of ... 378 Children for Overseas - ... 26, 51 China: American financial aid, 598; British credits to ... ... 626 Christian peace aims... ... 690 Churchill, Mr., his reviews of the war, 181, 257, 281, 354, 466; his broadcast to France, 406; his appeal to the Italians ... 689 Colonial co-operation
Communist agitators 666
Conscientious objectors . . III Czecho-Polish pact ... • • • 490 1.I AICAR expedition, the 305, 354 1:DUCATION, and London 14 Children Egypt and Italian threats, 210; re- inforcement for Egypt, 258; the invasion of, 28x; the Egyptian cabinet. 305; Mr. Eden's visit, 405, 490; the war in ... 626, 689 Emergency powers 50, 82 Enemy aliens ... ... 27, 50, 210 Evacuation, 355, 667; billeting pro- blems, 379, 467; evacuation of USLANCE: the Klein Govern- -
.12 Mont, 1, 25, 50, 258, 466, 514;
the French Navy, 25; Chad, 210; more Free French colonies, 234; Gen. de Gaulle in Dunk, 378; Wader's meeting with Laval, 405; the sale of France, 429; a Free French victory, 490; America and Vichy, 570; the Consultative
GERMANY: military defeat in 1918, 2; Germans in occupied countries, 210; civil man-power in Germany.
Greece, and Italy and Albania, i58; Italian threat to, 209, 234. 406; the war, 466, 490, 514, 569, 597, 665, 689
LtAARON, his speeches, ... 234. 625KON, King ... . 26, 210 Harvest in England ... 183 Home Guard. the • • 4°7,, 691 Homeless, the, accommodation for 283 Hoover, Mr., and hungry Europe... 626 Hungary and Rumania, 209. 234;
and Yugoslavia . 665 IDLENESS, the dangers a ••• 159 1. India : the Governor-General's statement, 133; reactions to his proposals, 157; Mr. Gandhi, con- versations with Lord Linlithgow; non-co-operation, 514; ground for accommodation, 569; new 666 Indians in British workshops ... 570 Indo-China .. ... 258, 305 Invasion, possibility of ... .• • 134 Internment and inertia . . 598 Ireland: deluded Eire, 26; interview with Mr. de Valera, 158; Eire and submarines, 182; bombs On Eire, 210; the neutrality of Eire 515 Italy, Albania and Greece, 258; bombardment of Bardia and Capuzzo, 182; the threat to Greece, 209, 234; demands on Syria, 258; war with Greece, 466, 490, 514, 569, 626, 689; war in Egypt ... . . 626, 689 TAPAN: demands on Britain, 2, CP 26; the new government, 49. 82; arrests of British subjects, 109; continuing tension, 134; Japan's manoeuvres, 182; demands on Indo-China, 258, 305; the Burma Road, 406; rebuff from America, 598, Japan's foreign policy 6:6 Joubert, Sir Philip, on aviation 599 1 IBYA, the campaign in 689 1.4 Life not lived, a . . . 667 London: tidying up, 378; re-build- ing of.
London Philharmonic Orchestra . 51 IAN-POWER for the Army . 27 11.1 Merchant shipping losses 330, 430, 627 Ministry of Supply, the Morale and nerves ...
Mussolini's speech ... •• 514
VATIONAL wisdom, local folly Its -LI Non-stop diplomacy . 513 Norway: King Haakon, 26; his broadcast ... ... 210 'MN-AMERICAN Conference 82,109 Peace debate in Commons ... . 626 Portugal, and Spain. . . . 110 Postal service, the ... ... 307, 430 Post-war Britain ... . 250 Press Advisory Committee. 83 Press in war-time . 599
1?.A.F.., SUCCesSel .. 234, 258 Railway (ares, further rise in 258
Rationing ... 598 Rebuilding England • 354
Rumania : the position et, t, 26, 134, i58, 28z, 209. 234; revolu- tion in, 257; the new govern- ment, 282; arrest of British sub- jects, 330; Germanised Rumania, 354; British relations with, 378; present plight of Rumania, 405; earthquake in, 490; the Iron Guards' savagery 597 Russia: ultimatum to Rumania, 1; protests to Germany, 282; M.
M010tOW3 Visit to Berlin... • • • 419 HELTERS and homes for Len-
ITS 330, 355, 377, 406, 431,
466, 515 Silent 0:411=1, the ... 83 Skilled men for war work . x58 Somaliland, the war in, 157; evacu- ation of . . . 182 South Africa: Gen. Smuts's victory, 234; his meeting With Mr. Eden, 466; Gen. Hertzog's resignation, 491 Spain, and Portugal, 110; and Ger- many, 282; Axis pressure on, 329; British agreement with • 598 Supplies for the Forces ... 27 Syria: uncertainty in, 2; Italians and French in, 329; possibilities • • 514 MAXATION, additional ... 50
1 Temple, Dr. (Archbp. of York) and Christian News-Letter 134
Thailand, the importance of . 406 Thames, passenger services on the... 283 Trades Union Congress, the 331, 353 Trotsky, assassination of . ... 210 Turkey and Bulgaria 626
WAGES, compulsory erbium- ,' tion on t 58
War Office inquest, a .. iii
War-aims question . . . 378 War-damage Insurance Bill 627, 666 War-damaged property ... 331, 378 War production, East of Suez, 406; expenditure on ... 49i Wells, Mr. H. G., and war aims- 159
3, 27, 51, 83, z11, 135, 159, 183, 211.
259, 283, 307, 331, 355, 379, 431, 467, 491, 515, 571, 599.627,667, 695.
ARTICLES FRICA and Livingstone ... 605 XI. After Victory ...
Aircraft: quantity v. quality ... 189 Air-raid fatigue Air-raids and the Zoo ... ... 436 Air-raids: the power of the air ... 516 Mr-raid wardens' claims ... 47t Air-war prospects ... ••• ... 634 America: America's Help, 57; America Prepares, 90; Reactions in America, 188; Americans and the Allies, 239; Roosevelt or Winkle? 335; Axis Diplomacy Fails, 384; Notes from. 407: America's Part, 408; America's Might, 473; Americans and the Censor, 603; More Help from America ...
An Ill Wind ...
Another Lard Halifax Anzac, an, on England Arms and the Mind ... Army, an, in Training Australian Elections, the I)ACK to Party Politics? 11 Balkans, War in the Battle of Endurance, the Battle of London, the Brigand Trio, the ...
//AMBRIDGE Men Canada's Momentum .. Canada's Vast Effort Can the Pope Speak? Challenge of Anti-Christ, the Chamberlain, Mr. . . Charles, King, in Bath Children Sail, the ... China's Economic War Communal Meal, the Communist Converted, a Crowds and Health ...
f XECISIVE Hour, a ...
LI Defeat of Fanaticism, the Democracy and Party Does Culture Matter? Drake's Way I:FFORT and Aims 632 ls End of the Tunnel, the: Armour for Civilians, to; the En- during Italy, 34; Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite. 60 Enlistment of Brains, the .. 88 Euthanasia ... 166 Evacuation, selective 633
-LIACING Winter ... 357
J. Family Allowances 184 Famine, Facts About rot Fascism, the Failure of 628 Fellow Passengers 386 Fighting Faith, a . 139 Finance in War-time 307
Food for Emergencies 311
Food Shortage in Europe 134 Foreign Legion, the Spirit of the . 190 Forgotten Kingcups, the ... t90 France: "II y at-alt la France," 7; a Fascist France, 28; How France Fell, 32; the Future of France, 56; Free France's Aim,
/15; Hitler and France, 164; France and Ourselves, 187; General de Gaulle's progress, 240; France's Food Position, 288; France's Colonial Empire, 413; 661 the Laval Affair
GDVERNING ass, the Cl Great Dog of Weimar 474 Greece's Danish Kings 471 .. 631 ... 218 .. 521 .. 241
. • 522
263 411 432 212 284 332 ... 521
... 312
84 • 495 • 413
• • 385
• . 89 523 577 ...
• 437 697 337 91 LI 1 IGI:IER Bumbledom, the ... 264
1 Haler and France ... 164 Hitler's Balance Sheet 468 Home Guard, the ... ... 56 Hospital at Night, the • • • ... 697 How I Came to England • • ... 673
ICELAND and the War ... ... 287
.1. If Hitler Came to Britain ... 7 India: Who Obstructs Indian Home Rule? 565; India and the Princes, 264; What India Wants 575 Internment Scandal, the, 85; In- ternment Life ... ... 576 Ireland, the Peril of " I: NOCK! Knock! Who's IX There?"
I IDDELL and Scott ... ... 524
I 4 Livingstone and Africa ... 605 London, the Battle of, 284; the Situation in, 308; London De- fiant, 313; Leaderless London, 359: London Governs Itself, 435; the Challenge of London . 497
Lothian, Lord . . ... ... 671
IAHAN and Sea-Power To- Man, the, Who Saved Dreks-
. 674 drokh Matheson, Hilda . . . ... 525 Ministry of Defence, the . . 411 M.o.I., Where it Goes Wrong . . 136 Moral Factor, the, in Total War ... 52 1\T ATIONAL Atlas, • • • • 498 New Orders, the ( CTOBER Lake Y Off the Boards Origins of the Empire, the Ossewa Brandwag . .
)ACIFICISM as Vocation • 141 1 Party Politics, the Reform of 572 Parliament in War . 215 Peace, Principles of... ... 263
l'eace by Economics 496
Perspective in War . . . 511 Poets of Freedom Portugal : Dictatorship at Its Best 156 Post-War Europe . ts Power of the Air, the Propaganda Pattern Propaganda Prospects
18 RealinictWard;etime. .
Reith, Sir John, His Chance " Rule, Britannia!"
ECOND Christmas, the...
Second Year, the ... ... 236 Sixteen Thousand Authors Souvenir de Boulogne Spain's Dream of Empire . Spectator, the, in War-time.
Strays, the ...
rI/HALASSA! Thalami I Then and Now Time Problem, the Too Free Frenchmen Touch with the People Transatlantic Transfer ... 217 Truth and News UNKNOWN War, the ... • 578 VOLTAIRE'S Tank 336 1 Vox Populi 127 AR-INSUFtANCE Problems 361 THE WAR SURVEYED. By STItA1710/1:218-
The Enemy Plan, 6; The Medi- terranean Problem, 30; The Riddle of Africa. 54: German Strategy and Morale, 87; The German Counter-Blockade, 114; Invasion Prospects, 138; The Crisis of the Wu, 162; The Stra- tegy of Victory, x1115; A Year's Fighting, 2141 The Meaning of the Raids, 238; Approaching the Climax, 262; The German Objec- tive, 286; The African Factor, 3t0; Hitler's Set-Each, 334; De- sign for Victory, 358, 382; The Battle for }UM, 410; Our Task in Greece, 434; Greece Shows Her Teeth, 470; The Next Step, 04; The Italian Reverses, 5111: The • •• 492
• • • 439 ... 289 ..• 695 •• • 141
••• 517
.. 672 • .• 338
• • • 438 386 -• 383 117 • • 692
... 362 ... 216 • • 360
• • • 415 ••• 519
• • • 55 265 • 241
Greek Victory and Beyond:, : 574; The Nignt Raid Problem,' 602; General WaveII Moves, 630; Sequel to Victory, 670; Rcassur- ... 694 War Wounds, a New Way with •• • 59 •• • 314 Whose Move? ...
Widening War, the 380 CONTRIBUTORS Ala Correspondent, our, 634-Allen, H. Warner, 705-Army Outer, an, 241•
BALDLIS, 496-Barker, Dr. Ernest, 40- Barnard, A. R., 614-Bashford, H. H., 174, 198, 394-Bates, H. E., 14, 38, 61, 92, 200, 223, 322, 386, 439, 448, 475, 502, 525, 556, 579, 640, 678, 699- Beerbohm, Max, 446, 519-Bentley, Nicolas, 422-Benernan, John, 546, 652 -Berkeley, Anthony, 480-Bevan, Dr. Edwyn, 422, 536-Blake, Nicholas, 198, 320, 424, 558-Bois, Elie, J-, 32-Bray, Sir Denys, 318-Brodrick, A. H., 128- Brogan, Prof. D. W., 7, 39, 64, 239, 290, 370, 446, 480, 536, 614, 644, 705- Brouckere, Louis de, 673-Bums, Dr. C. Delisle, 366.
ALPLN, G. H., 141-Canham, Erwin
• -•4 D., 57, 90, 188, 335, 384, 473, 63a -Campbell, A. Y., 272--Capetanakis, Demetrios, 697-Carr, Prof. E. H., 18, zoo, 252, 274, 391, 680-Carter, John, 119, 146, 267-Carter, Lady Violet Bon- ham,. 471-Carter, W. Horsfall, 265- Canal, Rene, 240-Cecil, Lord David, 521, 6o4-Chirgwin, A. M., 413, 605- Church, Richard, 196, 2,8, 250, 314, 508, 548--Cookham, Anthony, 192- Croome, Honor, 217.
rillEDES, Sir Wyndham, 140-de la Marc, Walter, 9, 218, 415-Dent, Edward J., 126-Derry, Dr. T. K. 171, 224-Dexter, Grant, 8, 312-I3Obree, Bonamy, 484, 56o, 618, 684, 706-Dun- sany, Lord, 190.
Vasurr, Norman, 482, 586-Edding- - ton, Sir Arthur, 64-Editor of The Spectator, 360-Edwards, R. A., 386- Emir, R. C. K., 64, 224.
ARRER, Rev. A. M. 506-Finlayson, J. R. C., 117-Fisher, James, 6- Forster, E. M., 337-Free Frenchman, I, 11$, 164-French correspondent, a, 56-Fuller, Map.-Gen. J. F. C., 336.
., S. 70-Gaselee, Sir Stephen, 196 `Jr -Gee, Harvey, 361-Gillie, D. R., 346-Glover, Dr. T. R.. 704-Goal- bault, Georges, 148-Gorell, Lord, 56- Gower. Francis, 102, 368, 586-Greene,
Graham. 344, 370. 398, 440, 474, 538,
578, 588,
614, 646, 652, 682-Grigson, Geoffrey. 150-Gull, E. M., 102- Gwynn. Stephen, 251.
H. W. H., 18, 296-Hall, Sir Daniel, 16-Harris, Wilson, 42, 391, 420, 495, 67I-Hart-Davis, Rupert, 68- Hayek, F. A., 247-Hayward, John, 33, 452, 482, 696-Hewitt-Myning, Philip, 265-Hollis, Christopher, 31-Hob- house. Christopher, 148-Hodson, H. V., 695-Hone, J. M., Ion-Honey, W. B., 654-Howard, R. W., 682-Hussey, DyneleY, 35, 167, 440, 526, 607, 675- Huxley, Julian, 436, 532.
Fuqua," 5, 29, 53, 86, 113, 137, 161.
.1 213, 237, 261, 285, 309,
333, 357, 381, 409, 433, 469, 493, 517, 573, 601, 629, 669. 693-Jenyns, Seattle. 59, 191 --load, C. B. M., 163, 396, 504-Jons- son, Snaebjorn, 287.
KEYNES, Geoffrey, 65o
LANCASTER. Osbert, 126-Lapie, P. 0., 190-Lewis, C. Day, 66, 91- Lindsay, Kenneth, 9. 58. 89, 139, 215, 248, 311, 359, 435. 497, 632-Li Shang Yin, 59-Lloyd, Canon Roger, 411- Lyon, Lilian Bowes, 526.
1VACAU1.AY. Rose, 413, 520-MacDer- 41, mot, Frank, 528-Mackay, R. W. G.. 263-Malcolm, Sir Dougal O., 223, 706-Mellon, Dr. J. J., 98-Matthews. Very Rev. W. R•. 141, 320-Medical Correspondent, our, 59, 242. 577- Medico, 66-Melbourne, Sydney, 289 -Micklem, Principal N., 152-Military Correspondent, a. 522-Melnikoff, A. 635-Morgan, Charles, 10, 34, 60 Morley. Canon J. K., 152, 171, 226, 542, 616--Muir, Edwin, 68-Muir, Ramsay, 272-Murray, Dr. Gilbert, 642 -Myers, L. H., 611.
1%,T MAIER, L. B.. 697-Needham, Dr. Joseph, 703-Nevinson, H. W., 534. 646.
0'BRUM, Kate, 20. 70, 128, 174, 226, 298, 346, 398, 452, 508, 590, 656, 706.
pBUS. Prof. E. Allison. 216-Pers- ner, N., 552-Piper, John, 35, 119. 142, 415, 440, 448, 499• 5RA, 611. 636- • rettlordiin,'-'H,, "644-1-4'lomer, il- ' Lain, 276-Postbridge, Warren, 472- Powell, Roberts, To74, it 3s 94603-
Priestley, J', :55.-Pst .411- Pullet, John,' bog.' , .. • •
P. Q., zi-Raine, K., 699-Raman, T. A., 575-Read, Herbert, 124, 504, 534, 650, 703-Reed, Stanley, 247 -Richmond, Admiral Sir Herbert, 315, 342, 540-Richmond, Kenneth, 241- Roberts, Michael, too, 200, 322-Rowse, A. L., 16, 91, 96, 342, 398, 422, 450, 499, 544, 607, 635-Russell, Sir E. John, 679.
SA001111E-WEST, Edward, 96- Sackville-West, V., 525-St. Aubin, Gwen, 66-Samuel, Viscount, 88-Sas- soon, Siegfried, 247-Sayers, Dorothy L., 1,7-Schlossmann, H. A., 576- Scott, B. Montagu, 289-Scott-James, R. A., 392, 437-Selbie, W. B., 524- Seth-Smith, David, 274-Sbahani, Ran- ier G., ,65, 264, 523-Shillito, Edward, 605-Smith, Janet Adam, 44, 102, 152, 202, 252, 322, 370, 424-Smyth, Canon Charles, 588-Somervell, D. C., 98- Soren, Peter Mackay, 288-Soutar, William, i66-Spaight, J. M., 189- Spalding, Helen, 441-Special Corre- spondent, a, 385-Stephens, James, 40 -Storrs, Sir Ronald, 124, 392-" Stra- tegicus," 6, 30, 54, 87, 114, 138, 162, 182, 214, 238, 262, 286, 296, 334, 358, 382, 410, 434, 470, 494, 518, 574, 584, 602, 630, 670, 694-Strong, L. A. G., 484, 6,6, 656-Sykes, Sir Percy, 276.
TAYLOTAYLOR, Prof. E. G. R., 498-Thomas, R, William Beach, ii8, 14.2, 206, 219, 243, 270, 290, 315, 339, 363, 388, 441-Thomson, Dr. David, 338, 394, 672-Trench, Henry, 414, 552-Turner, W. J., 674.
NWIN, Stanley, 438.
V ULLIAMY, C. E., 65, 542, 682.
WADSWORTH, A. P., 298-Wakeham, ^ Maj. C. E., 1,6-Wang, Ch'ang- Ling, 191-Ward, Barbara, 612-Waugh, Arthur, 344, 484-Williams, Kenneth, 680-Williams-Ellis, Amabel, 633- Williams-Ellis, Clough, 383-Winser, David, 698-Wood, H. G., 648-Woos- cam-Jones, W. E., 362-Wright, Basil, II, 351 61, 92, 119, 146, 167, 192, 219, 243, 267, 290, 315, 339, 363, 388, 415, 441, 475, 526, 579, 607, 636, 675, 699.
yOUNG, G. M., 18, 40, 148, 172, 274, 366, 420.
ZIMMERN, Alfred, Michael, 187. 540--Zveginuov, CORRESPONDENCE
A SWINT intellectuals, 12-Adrninistra- 42- uve personnel, 120-" After Vic- tory," 637, 676, 700-" After the War," 169-Air offensive policy, 341, 390, 418 -Aircraft : quality or quantity, 221- Aircraft landings, 38-Air-raids, news of, 677-Air-raids and animals, 478- Air-raid shelters, 444-Air-raid war- dens' claims, 501, 527, 58o-Aliens' problem, the, 13, 36, 62, 120., 144, 168, 222, 291, 365-Allies, reatI1C60111 On. 442-America: 145. 417, 442-Anglo- French Union, 12-Answer to Hitler. an, 122, 145-An2ac, an, on England, 317, 340, 365-Are we too Quixotic? 268-Arms and the Mind, 268-Army, the; commissions from the ranks, 14, 63; seniority in, 122; the Army's part, 268. 317-Army welfare, 477.
n.B.C.. 294, and pacifism, 501, 582,
- 609-Banks and Savings Certifi- cates, 145, 170-British air leases, 221- British books in U.S.A., 394- Broadcasting and the Proms, 195, 222- Britain, France and Culture, 63, 95, 121, 45. 195-Britain the besieger, 12- " Britain." the meaning of, 444-Bri- tain's Blunders, 443-Burney, Fanny. 14.
r ABINET, the, and Brains, 120-CRITI00- Sage, 195-- Can the Pope speak? " 62-Canada's contribution, 146- Caporetto, 677-Chamberlain, Mr., and national unity, 36. 63. 94, 120, 527, 581 - Charitable appeals. 341-Charles, King, the Martyr. 442, 477, 330- Chesterton and Nonconformity, 418- Children from Ettnane, 365, 445, China, support for, 62-" Christianity and Paganism," 145, 195, 220-Churchill. Mr.. and Demos, 640-Cities of the Future, 701-Communal meal. the. 122 -Compensation for house-owners. 417 -Conscientious objectors, 194-Craig- avon, Lord, 638-Cromwell, Oliver, 12 -Culture, and Britain, 95; and Mr. E. M. Forster. 390, 418.
DECORATIONS for Merit, 294-" Devil's Disciple," the, 168-Disenfranchised soldiers, 478-" Divide et Impera," 170
- Dogma or doctrine, 36, 62, 93, 120, 146.
P. DUCAT ION in. the Forces, 702-Edu-
cation and Propaganda, 530- English Quislings, 37, 63-Ethiopia, re- cognition of, 637-Europe, English in the new, 638-Europe reborn, a, 6o8- Evacuation, 678, 702-Evacuation and taxation, 194, 222-Evacuees, cold- shouldering of, 341, 390:-Expenditure, a check on, 194-Exploiting the home- less, 701.
“PALSE as a Bulletin! " 637-Family
allowances, 22I-Feeding Hitler's Victims, 222, 270-Fe:Milkier fallacies, 122, 146-Final victory, 364-Foreign Legion, the, 222-FOX, Charles James, and the Bastille, 63-France: the Petain administration, 13; the collapse of France, 13, 122; France and Art, 63, 95, 1215 145, 195; a letter from France, 195; France's food position, 341, 364, 389; life in occupied France, 476-Free peoples in Britain, 95, 144-Free trade or Protection, 678, 702-Fry, Roger, 146 -Future offensive, the, 637, 676.
ERMANY as aggressor, 676-" Ger- " many Tomorrow," 527-Germany: War methods, 38-German strategy, 417, 444-Ghosts of Barley, 477-Great Dog of Weimar, 502-Greek Galley, 609, 677.
T_TALIFAX, Lord, his speech, 145; and .1- Mr. Murry, 530-Harvest home, 530-Harvest in England, 22I-Higher Bumbledom, the, 294-Home Guard and A.R.P., 501; Home Guard, duties of the, 528-Hospital charges, 144, 169- Hospitals in London, 389.
“IFHitler Came to Britain," 38, 63- Imperial War Cabinet, an, 443- Income Tax anomaly, an, 194. 245- India, 194, 221, 244, 268, 291, 316, 317, 364, 389, 478, 638-Indiscreet Soldier, an, 14-Interned Englishmen, 93-In- ternment camp life, 316-Internment follies, 93, 580-Invasion parallels, 364. 444-Ireland: Ulster and Eire, 37, 63; Irish Ports, the, 500; " It " and "Oomph," 677, 702.
M'AN'S petrol supply, 12.
T ansaustv, George, 14-Lawrence, 1-4 T. E., his grave, 677-Liberals, the, and re-armament, 120-Liddell and Scott, 608, 609, 677-Limitation of Supplies Order, 292.-Liquor in War- time, 95, 122-Literary coincidence, 390, 445-London, the replanning of, lot.
MAHAN and Sea-power, 365- £ "Mexico," 582-Milk, 530, 582, 6,0, 640, 702-Ministry of Information, the, 145, 169, z70, 193, 389-Moral factor, the, 95-Munich, the policy of, 292, 316, 340, 364, 389.
NEW Order in Europe, 143, 168, 676, 700-" Non-Aryans," 270.
nVERSEAS broadcasts, 244, 2921 340- Overseas evacuation, 94.
paffiszasat as vocation, 169, 193, 220, 245, PaCifiCiSM or pacifism, 245- " Parashots," medical aid for, 37-Party politics, 443, 477, 478, 528, 608, 638- PC2i2a Coccinea, 609, 640, 677-Peace by economics, 530-Physical training for youth, 292-Pigs and potatoes, 222- Planninf , the need for, 37-" Post-War Europe,' 143, 193-" Prescription for Victory," z4-Priestley, Mr. J. B., and Dunne, 94; his broadcasts, 445-Prison- ers Of War, parcels for, 677-Purchase- tax hardships, 292.
RADIO War news, 37, 63-Railway ."-"- shortcomings, 390. 418, 444, 582. 609-Real conflict, the, 416-Refugee nurses, 418-Reith, Sir John, his chance, 416, 444, 476, 500, 501, 528- Repetitive history, 445-" Ringing Grooves." 640, 702-Rome, should it be bombed? 501, 527, 528, 580, 58z, 6,0-Rural salvage, 610-Russia and the Baltic States, 478-
SCIENTIST'S mind, the 269, 365-Scott, Sir Walter, and Napoleon, 638, 702 -Scottish intelligence, 317-" Second String, the," 222-" Siege" of Britain. the, 38. 63-Sleeping in bed, 500, 530- Social survey and the M.o.I., '93- Spanish dilemma, the, 609.
ANKS and invasion, 12, 95-Tenny- son and today, 390-Threepenny bit. in Scotland, 269. 294-" Too few children," 13. 38-Touch with the people. 170-Town clerks in war-time, 389-Traffic congestion, 638-Trans- atlantic transfer, 245.
USE of the feet, 269.
ACV ALOUR of their own hearts, the," 38.
WAR aims. 193, 222, 4,7-Warsaw to Dunkirk, 502-Wasted talent, 294- Widening war, the, 417-Wood, Sir Henry, and the "Proms," 269-Wren's London, 528, 582-Writings on politics, 40-Wykehantist deportee, 93.
A DAMS, Dr. E. W., 37, 63, 221, 292, 4-a- 609-Agar, W. 1., 195-Agricola, 417-Air Force Officer, An, 582- Another Provincial Reader, 390-Archer, H. A., 702-Arkell, W. J., 232-Aim. strong, E. L., 170-Armstrong, G. Cyril, 193, 638-Atkins, Private, 14-Atkins, Private, II, 63-Atkinson, Enid, 445, 637 -Auty, D. E., 428, 610.
11. D. de, 294-B., R. H., 221-Bailey, 1-1 Dr. J. H. Shackleton, 38, 194, 637- Balfour, F. R. S., 610-Balfour, Michael, 37, 702-Barrett, Lady Florence E., z2.2
- Barrington, E. C., 13-Bayly,
la ansley, 37-Bellerby, J. R., 222- Benham, Stanley J., 93-Bennett, G. F., 294-Bentley, E. C., 580-Bevan, Dr. EdwYn, 93, 245, 700-Bielby, hi R., 245-Bishop, John P., 500-Bishop, Richard, 169-Blakeney, E. H., 246, 390
- Booth, Charles E., 222-Bowie, D. R., 418 - Bowles, Geoffrey, 13 - Boyd- Carpenter, G., 5112-Bradbury, Robert M., 527-Braithwaite, J. Gurney, 638- Brander, J. P., 501, 581-Bristow, F. G., 638-Broadholt, Foxton, 143-Brogan, D. W., 340, 389, 702-Brown, A. J., 245 -Brown, J. P., 701-Browne, F. W. Stella, 38, 4,7-Browne, Nancy, 6o9- Burgess, Walter H., 477-Burn, Hilda M., 120-Butt, John, 528.
At B., 317-Cadbury, George, 410 %-4 Campbell, Neil, 294-Caton, A. R., 13 - Cecil, Viscount, 676- Chance, Robert C., 95-Cbarnock, H. H., 478-Chief Reception Officer, 678 -Clarke, Rev. A. H. T., 365, 608-Corbett, N. E. F., 417-Courtney, Kathleen D., 580-Crick, Rev. Walter, 169-Cripps, A. R., 193-Crofts, John W., 169-Crooksbank, C. K., 244- 'MICH, W. B., 268, 637.
nate, Capt. A. B., 677-Dartle, R., 270 1-• -Das, K., 268-Davies, 'Very Rev. Arthur, 244, 365-Davies, Rey. J. Jones, 341-Dcayton, Fred. C., 143-Dennis, Arthur G., 528-Dewar, Capt. A. C., 677 -Dobree, Bonamy, 418-Doc., B.E.F., 144-Dodd, F., 501-Douglas, C. C. Brown, 608-Dunlop, Alice, 36-Dun- lop, J. C. H., 269-Dunstan, Sir Wynd- ham, 581-Durham, M. E., 121, 527- Du Val, Patrick, 222.
12 LAM, John F., 63-Elder, A. L., 246 -Ervine, St. John, sz-Evans, Alfred, 445-Evans, Bertha, 443-Evens, R. C., 390-Ewbank, M. V., 62.
AIRLESS, J., 581-Farmer, a, 246- .i: Fell, H. Barraclough, 478-Few, John E., 677-Fiat Lux, 702-Field, Prof. G. C., 676-Fisher, Mary, 364- Fitzsimmons-Boyd, Malcolm W., 442- Foot, Isaac, I2-Ford, Clow, z 69- Former German Prisoner of War, a, 94 -Forster, E. M., 12, 63-Fosbrooke, Dr. H. L., 13, 63-Fotheringham, John A., 38-Fox, F. Darwin, 701-Frampton, H. Fetherstonhaugh, 677-Fraser, J. Horatio, 527 - Freeman, K., 168 - Frenchman in London, a, 122-Fries, Felix, 14-FrY, Agnes, 63-Fuller, A. G., 638-Fuller, Maj.-Gen. J. F. C., 95- Fyfe, Hamilton, 169.
cAIINEIT, Dr. Maxwell, 530-Gates, Sir s." Frank, 476-George, Daniel, 95- Glover, Dr. Edward, 193, 702-" Good- mayes No. 71," 527-GOYan, M., 37- Cower, Francis, 609-Grant, J. Peter, 245-Graves, Robert, 677-Gray, Mar- garet, 195-Gregory, Joshua C., 94- Gretton, Dr. G. H., 502-,-Greville, Lord, 144-Grierson, Sir Herbert, 145, 413- Griffin, T. James, 445-Griffith, Lucie H., 13, 246-Grimes, Rev. C. H., D., 699 -Grose', HOLUM G., 38--Grylls, R. Glynn, 444-Gupta, Anand M., 245.
ITatrans, Prof. J. B. S., 444-Hall, George, 22I-Hall, Reginald, 501- Hancock, Prof. W. K., 500--Hansell, G. Arminella, 638-Hardcastle, TEL., 58, -Harding, G. C., 443-Hardwick, Rev. J. C., 245-Hardy, Katherine, 93- Harrison, Rev. A. L., 638-Hayek, Prof. F. A., 417-Haynes, E. B. H., 244- Haynes, E. S. P., 195, 530-Heckstall- Smith, H. W., /22-Herbert, J. A., xi- Hewlett, E. H., 640-Heyst, Axel, 676- Hill, Prof. A. V., 291, 580, 608-Hind, Bishop J., '22-Hobson, Alec., 222- Hornung, Lao., 365-Houghton, A. T., 63-Houston, Stuart C., 477-Howell, Norman, 168-Howell, W. B., I2I- Hulton, Edward, 144.
THBETSON, T. H., 38-Ingram, Kenneth, 1- 364-Intermittent Admirer of "Janus," 5o1.
J4CES, Dr. L. P., 143, 637-Jackson, Arnold, 120-jaksch, Wenzel, 120'- James, Walter, 580-Jeffries, Lilias M., 246-Jenkins, D. Muir, 94-Janatt, Ernest, 389-Johnson, Dorothy, 63- Jordan, Robert, 169.
Kean, E. M., 530-Kemball, Robe. J., 527-Kennedy, W. S., 168-Ken- ward, H. L., 194-Kerr, R. B., 146- Ketton-Cremer, R. W., 677-Knight, Frank H., 246.
L., R.., 418-Lachlan, S. C. G., 528-
U Lambert, Alan P., 342-Lampard, M. E., 53°- Langdon-Brown, Sir Walter, 146, 445-Lawrence, Lesley, 500, 582, 701-Lawton, H., 477-Leaver, P. E., 292--Levieat, J. Mawburn, 608- Lewin, L., 145-Lewis, Ivor C., 365- Lloyd, Canon Roger, 477, 528-London, Douglas, 317 - Lorimer, Lt Cot. A. P. 0•, 246-Luetkens, Charlotte, 93- Lys, F. J., 609.
gx., E. J., 36-Macaulay, Rose, 477,
500-MacColl, D. S.,,46-MeGreer, A. H., 146-McKeller, G. D., 476- Mackinnon, Aline, 144-McNulty, J. P., 169-Major, H. D. A., 220-Mallen, F. C., 94-Mander, G. le M., no-- Mantripp, J. C., 193-Marcellus, Corn- Tessa R. de, 364-Martin, Sir Robert, 268-Martineau, A. A., 316, 700- " Massac.husetn," 245-Matthews, Very Rev. W. R., 193, 220-MaIlliCe, Gen. F., 676-Moues, J. W., 294-Medico, 389 -Melbourne Secundus, 365-Merrals, F. D., 701-Mills, G. T., 221-Minter, H. Irving, 610-Montgomery, J. Q., 221 -Morgan, R. H., 582, 640-MOSS, Sir George, 476-aitozleY, Col. E. N., 93- Myers, Lt.-Col., 268, 6z0.
NtirLaNS, Alison, 341-Nemo, - Nevile, Peter, 389- Nevinson, Henry W., 63-Newby, P. H., 478-New Zealander, a, 443-Nield, E. Lilwall, no-Norman, A. J., 291-Northwood, E. P., 444.
irk DEL, N. E., 365-Ogilvie, V., 93- O'Horan, Rev. Patrick K., 442- Oram, J. S., G. M. and E. M., 63- Orrick, J. B., 294.
M., 122-Page, Edmund, 677- Paine, W. W., 365-Parker, Barry, 528-Payne, W. A., 245-Pearce, H. Gregory, 170-Peel, George, 702- P. E. N. (Association of Writers), 37- Perkins, E. Benson, 245-Pharos, 194, 246-Philpon, C. A., 640-Pigott, Percy, 220-Pollard, F. E., 93-Post- gate, Raymond, 14-Potts, Canon R. U., 62, 121-Pratt, Sir John, 443-Prickett, H. J., 143-Prior, Arthur N., 121- Priscian, 169-Procter, Maj. genry A., 582-Provincial Reader, a, 341-Pyle, Sidney T., 268.
RADCLIFFE, R. A. C., 13, 292-Ragg, Laura M., 702-Reed, Sir Stanley, 292-Richards, George, 36-Richmond, A. C., 416-Richmond, Kenneth, 144- Rimington, J. C., I2-Robinson, Sir Christopher, 120, 41 g-Rushbrooke, Florence H., 144-Rylands, B. I., 169.
AMR, SiLlWiarl, 317-Sanders, Rev. H.
Martyn, 62, 121, 220, 445, 530-- Sandison, A., 293-Sapper 294-Sayers, A. H., 637-Sayers, Arnold, 14-Sayers, Dorothy L., 62-Schaick, Wm. Van, 38
- Schneider, H., 316-Schur, T. A., 222
- Scots Reader, 317-Scott, C. H., 170- Scott, D., 444-Selbie, Dr. W. B., 36, 146 - Sencourt, Robert, 640 - Shaw, P. A., 676,-Shirley, F. J., 94-" Signal- man." 12I-Singer, Charles, 270-Simon, Lady, 145, 220-Slater, S. H., 478- Smith, J. E., 269-Smith, W., 220- Soren, I. M., 364-Stafford, Sebastian, 168-Stamp, Lord, 444-State Subject, 291-Stener, , Therese, I 3-Stone- bridge, A. J., 478-Stonier, Alfred W., 44-Strasser, Otto, 527-Strategicus, 444, 502-Sturges, J0811, 269-SWintOn, Maj.-Gen. Sir E. D., 12-Sydneysider, 340.
TALLENTS, Sir Stephen, 340-Tasker, R. I., 530-Taylor, Ernest H., 294- Tenby, 222-Thomas, Phyllis M., 13- Thomson, David Cleghorn, 501-110m- son, G. W. R., 193-Titterton, W. R., 195-Townsend, C. A. H., 316-Trend, Prof. J. B., 582-Turner, Richard, 390- Tutor, 194- UTTERSON, Lt.-Col. A. T., 246. Vicsnats, W. F., 34,-Vidler, Alec R., 530-Volunteer, 389.
WARE, Dr. John, 677-Watson, Angus, 390 - "Welfare," 477 - Wells, W. A.. 678-W3ale, Winifred Stephens, 195-Wheatly-Crowe, Capt. H. S., 530- WIfimorth, Geoffrey, 390-Wilkinson, Eric R.. 37-Williams, Rev. R. Owen, 478-Willis Edgar C., 528-Willoughby, R.. M. P.. 417-Wilson. Henry C., 63- Wilson, W. B., 269-Wiseman, V.. 221 -Wood, Sir Henry J., 269-Woodhead. Ernest, 316-Worgan, T. H., 389- Worniop, W. H., I22-Wynne, Wm. E., 37, 528.
XZ'' 13'
yEATS-BROWN, Major F.. 37-Yeaxlee, Dr. Basil A.. 265-Young, F. A.. 221-Young, G. M., 3z7.
Z VEGDITZ0V, M., 95 "1917," 145.
DVANCE of the Fungi, the- /1_ E. C. Large - 679 Aegean Memories-Compton Mac-
kenzie a History of-...4r Percy
Sykes After the War-.ed. Win. Teeling 248 All Aboard for Ararat-H. G. Wells 398 Allenby: A Study in Greatness- Gen. Sir A. Windt 124 Alabaster Tombs of Pre-Reforma- fion Period-Arthur Gardner ... 652 Alumni Cantabrigienses, Pt. 2, Vol. 1-J. A. Penn - - 520 America Was Promises-Archibald MacLeish . 250 American White Paper-ed. Joseph Alsop and Robert Kintner ... 64 Anatomy of Inspiration, an-Rosa- mund E. M. Harding ._ 703 And So To Bath-Cecil Roberts ... 130 Animal, Vegetable and South Ken- sington-N. Bentley ... .. 402 Annals of Innocence and Experience -Herbert Read _ t Another Time-W. H. Auden ... too Apostle of Charity-Theodore May- nard Armies of Rreeman-Tom Win- 530 Army of the Future, theaeneral
de Gaulle ... . - • - ..• 584 Art of Living, the-Andre Maurois 44 As I Remember Him-Hans Zinsser 532 Atonement, the, in New Testament
Teaching-Vincent Taylor . 226 1 )ABAR and Father Christmas- .' Jean de Brunhoff _ 611 Bacteria, Conquest of-F. Sherwood
Taylor ... • • • • • • 174 Banks for the People, the-John
Strachey_ . 22 Barbarians and Philistines-T. C.
Battle-Hugh 'Martin • • • 452
Betrayal of Christ by the Churches, the-J. Middleton Murry . . 506 Biological Aspects of Infectious Disease-F. M. Burnet .. - 394 Birds of the Grey Wind-Edward A.
Armstrong ... 65 Boethius-Helen M. Barrett ... 172 Borrowed Children-Mrs. St. Loe
Strachey ............66 British Admirals and Chinese Pirates
-Grace Fox .. ... 540 British Commonwealth Affairs, Sur- vey of-W. K. Hancock . . • • 614 British Empire, a Hundred Years of the-A. P. Newton 272 Buried Life, a-Percy Withers 272 By Many Waters-A. R. B. Haldane 198 PIALICO Pie-C. E. Vulliamy Cambridge, Early Victorian- D. A. Winstanley 196 Canadian Occasions-Lord Tweeds- muir 560 Case Against Pacifism, the-John
(',hesterton, Gilbert-ifilaire Bell= Child's Discovery of Death, the- Sylvia Anthony .- • • • • • • 554 China, Into--Eileen Bigland 228 China, Journey Into-Violet Cressy- Marcks 102 Christianity and Civilisation - Arnold y . Toynbee 152 Churchill, Winston-biographies of, 452, 6z 2 Christianity and World Order- Bishop - Bishop of Chichester ..
Civilisation and Liberty-Ramsay Muir Clemenceau-i:Eon Daudet . 148 Come Wind, Come Weather- Daphne du MaUrier 300 Comments and Characters-John Buchan . • ... 452 Confessions of an Individualist- W. H. Chamberlin ... .... 646 Crusade for Civilisation-Esme Wingfield-Stratford
DECLINE of Religion, the-Cecil P. Martin . . . 704 Democratic Ideal in France and England, the-David Thomson... 296 Design for a Journey-M. D. Ander-
son of MOdern France, the-D. W. Brogan .. 1[8 Dynamic Defence-Liddell Hart 614 ARLY Victorian Cambridge- 1_2 D. A. Winstanley . 196 East Coker-T. S. Eliot ... •• • 274 Education, Year Book of, 1940 _ 17/ Edwards, Jonathan-01a Elizabeth
Ego 4-James Agate . - 372
England is a Village-C. Henry
Warren . . 448 England Without End-Anthony
Armstrong 448 English Economic History-C. R.
Fay • 342 English Furniture 'and ' -
dodo, Masteroieces of-R. W. Symonds 352 English House, the Story of the- Hugh Braun English Ways-Jack Hilton _ 454 English Wits-ed. Leonard Russell 563 344 504
Englishwoman in the U.S.S.R" in- Violet Liunbury -. - 680 Essays and Addresses-Sir Herbert Grierson _
Europe's Apprenticeship-G. G. Coulton
Evacuation Survey-ed. Fad.e); 450 and M. Cole130
Ex Libris-E. E. Kellett . 200 ICALL of the Idols, the-W. R.. _V. Inge ... ' 616 Family Allowances, the Case for- Eleanor F. Rathbone . 2.28 Fathers and Heretics-G. N. Pres- Fifty Years' Work in London-Rt. Rev. A. F. Winnington-Ingram 102 Final Edition-E. F. Benson ... 446 Finland, the First Total War- John Langdon-Davies . . 296 Flowers : East-West-J. G. Conway
and E. W. Hiatt ... ..• 654 Folios of New Writing-ed. John Food Production in Western Europe
-P. Lantartine Yates ... 16 Foreign Policy, Speeches on- Viscount Halifax ... 224 France, the Battle of - Andre 308 France, What Happened to-Gordon Waterfield 368 France, the Development of
Modern : ,870-1939-D. W. 18 Frazer, James George-R. Angus Downie 128
French Colonial Empire, the ... 176 Friends of a Lifetime-ed. Viola
Meynell 430 Frontier Doctor-ternng C. Coe -• 176 Fry, Roger : A Biography-
Virginia Woolf . . 124 Al' of Brightness, the-F. R.
Vf Higgins 250 Gay, John-William Henry Irving 22 Georgics, the-tr. C. Day Lewis... 366 German History, Chapters of- Veit Valentin 252 Germany, the Canker of-Ernest R. Prcuss Germany : Jekyll and Hyde-
Sebastian Haffner • .. 96 Germany Tomorrow-Otto Strasser 172 Gestapo, an Epic of the-Sir Paul
APPY Days 1880-1892-H. L. Mencken Hardy, Thomas : Selected Poems.- ed. G. M. Young ... . 247 Hartland, the Book of-R.. Pearse Chope . 544 Hary-0: The Letters of Lady Harriet Cavendish
Helvellyn to Himalaya-F. Spencer Himalayan Honeymoon-Rip Pares 104 Housman, A. E., Personal Recol- lections of . . 272 T BOUGHT • Mountain-Thomas Firbank ............200
I Married Adventure-Mrs. Martin Johnson .. 402 If I Were Four-and-twenty-W. B. Yeats In Time of Suspense-Laurence Whistler .* . ... 25o India : Enlist India for Freedom- Edward Thompson . - 247 Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War-W. Trotter Ireland. County and Town in. under the Georges-Constantia Maxwell 250 Irish Free State and its Senate, the -Donal O'Sullivan 538 Irish Journey, an-Sean O'Faolain too Island Years-F. Fraser Darling 65 Italian Nationalism and English Letters-H. W. Rudman 39 TOHNSON Without Boswell--ed. a) Hugh Kingsmill 65 Jorgen Jorgensen, the Adventures of -Ithys Davies 300 Judge Jeffreys-H. Montgomery Hyde. 422 Judicious Marriage of Mr. Hooker, the-C. J. Sisson .. 188 Jules Verne-Kenneth Allots 652 Hi
WeERILLIS on the Causes-Henri de Kerns and Raymond Cartier too Key to Victory, a: Spain-Charles Duff
5-3 Kilvert's Diary, Vol. 3--ed. Win. Flomer542 Kipling, Rudyard, Definifin edition
of Verse _ 560 Knox, John, Life of-George R.
Preedy 5to LANCASHIRE Folks-Dora M. Broome Lawrence, T. E., see Golden Reign,
the. 556 196 Gestapo, the-0. C. Giles . 482 Gibbon, Edward, • Bibliography- J. E. Norton ... 65o Golden Reign, the-Clare Sydney
Smith .. . 154 Grove's Dictionary of Music, Sup- plementary vol. ... . 300
Guilty Men-" Cato" .. 44 Let There Be Sculpture-Jacob Epstein ... ... 584 Life is Sweet, Brother-Bernard Life on Other Worlds-H. Spencer Jones Lions on Trust-Cleland Scutt ... 274 Livingstone, Some Letters from-ed.
D. Chamberlin ... 98 London Front-F. T. Jesse and H. M. Harwood ... ... 620 London, Rebuilding of, after Great Fire-T. F. Reddaway 176 Lone Monarch, the-Guy Boustead 372 Long Week-End, the - Robert Graves and Alan Hodge ... 644
AI AGDALEN SCHOOL-R. S. 111 Stanier ... • - • 414 Man Coming Toward You, the-
Man on His Nature-Sir Charles
Sherrington, O.M. ••• • • 703 Manchester, History of Local
Government in, Vol. III ... ... 298 Marvell, Andrew-M. C. Bradbrook and M. G. Lloyd Thomas ... 620 Mathematician's Apology, a-G. H.
Memory Hold-the-Door - John Men in Print-T. E. Lawrence ... 392 Mexico-J. B. Trend ... 538 Meynell, Alice, Poems of ... 400 Milton and His Modern Critics- Logan Pearsall Smith ... 482 More Than I Should-Faith Comp- ton Mackenzie ... . 344 Most Haunted House in England, the-Harry Price .. 396 Mountaineering Holiday - Frank
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My Name is Million-Anon. ... 372 VEWBOLT, Henry, Selected .1 Poems 552 Nordic Twilight-E. M. Forster 296
Nothing Dies-J. W. Dunne .. 5c ILLD Routes of Western Iran-
1 Sir Aurel Stein 276
)ACK My Bag-Henry Green ..• 54a Pads, the Last Days of- Alexander Werth . . . 346 Pattern of Freedom, the--ed. Bruce
L. Richmond ........ii Penguin New Writing, the-ed. John Lehmann
Pick of "Punch," the .. 422 Pilsudski, Madame, Memoirs of . 534 Plato: Selected Passages-Sir R. W.
Livingstone- 540 Pleasures and Speculations-Walter
de Is Mare . .. 200 Poems-D. S. MacColl 296 Police and Crime Detection Today, the-Reginald Morrish Polish Profile-Virgilia Sspieha Political Propaganda-F. C. Bartlett Poltergeists-Sacheverell Sitwell ... Pope, Alexander, Works, Vol. II.- ed. Geoffrey Tillotson Pone Speaks, the-ed. Charles
Rankin 31
Postscripts-J. Priestley..... .646 Pot of Smoke, a-Dan Dwain _ 588 Prehistoric Communities of the British Isles-V. Gordon Childe 682
Private Road-Forrest Reid • :. 63 Problem of Pain, the-C. S. Lewis 422 Proust, Introduction to-Derrick Leon 705
Purbeck Shop-Eric Benfield 322
1-11APE of the Netherlands, the-
E. N. van Kleffens . 420 Rare Prologues and Epilogues---ed.
A. N. Wiley ... _. 55o Report on America-Robert Width-
man 39 Rhymed Ruminations - Siegfried
Sassoon . 50g Road to Disaster-Ernst Klein ... 318 Roman Portraits (Phaidon Series)... 441 Rousseau and Burke-A. M. Osborn z8 ACRED and Profane Leve-
l-I Sacheverell Sitwell 648 Savoy ! Corsica! Tunis ! -Bernard
Newman . 5 to Scandinavia-Alms Luise Olson . . 224 Scattering Branches--ed. Stephen Scots Literary Tradition, the-John Sculptures of Michelangelo-Phaidon Series . 448
Sea Power-T.124 . . . . 342 Seven Pillars of Wisdom-T. E. Lawrence• • • 56o Simeon and Church .orderL.Charles
Smyth . . .542 Sky's the Limit, the-J. M. Spaight 454 Soilless Gardening-W. F. Gericke 221 Sons of Sinbad-Alan Villiers . 680 South East Africa, 1488-1530-Erie 70o Spanish Dilemma-E. Allison Peers 586 Spanish Tudor-H. F. M. Prescott 398 Squire of Walton Hall, the-Philip Gone _ _ 400 Stalin's Kampf-ed. M. R. Werner 395 Stalin's Russia-Max Eastman 274
4a0 454 394 33 706 Stay MeWith Flagons-Maurice Storm Breaks, the-E. T. Bizhalli • • 402 Strange Lives of One Man-Ely
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N. G. _ - - • 4tx) They Wanted War-Otto D.
Tolischus ... 586 Three Pillars, the-A. EMS Wallace 682 Three Score Years and Ten-J. D. Jones
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SHED Autobiography, ulleobr .iography, an
A .. 642 United States, a History of-Cecil Chesterton 454 ITERDI-Dyneley Hussey .. 126 I Verse, Modern, 1940-1941-
ed. Phyllis M. Jones ... 620 A1108Cursitsis int0B14erlIirthei{orJuat Rumbold . 64 War by Revolution - Francis
Williams ... . • 366 War for Peace, the-Leonard Woolf 320 War for World Power, the- St rategicus Watch Below-William McFee . 154 Ways and Means of War-Geoffrey Crowther ... 247 We Like the Country-Anthcny Armstrong What Happened Next-Ethel Smyth 96 What Is At Stake and Why Not Say So?-C. E. M. Joad 530 What Mussolini Did to Us-Dr.
Paolo Treves 104 What's All This-Robert Blatch- ford Where the River Shannon Flows- Richard Hayward . 70 Why England Slept-John F. Winston Churchill-Robert Sen- Wordsworth, Wm., Poetical Works- ed. E. de Selincourt 534 Wynne Diaries, Vol. III.-ed. Anne Freemantle I'FATS. W. B., see Scattering I Branches. FICTION CROSS the Black Waters-Mulk 1 Raj Anand Adventurer, the-Anne Meredith . . 202 Aftermath, the-Jules Romains 618 All is Vanity-Josephine Bell 558 Angels on Horseback-C. K. Jaeger 3o8 Antimacassar City-Guy McCrone 590 Ask Me Tomorrow-J. G. Cozzens 508 IIABES in the Darkling Wood- II H. G. Wells .. ... 452 Basilissa-John Masefield . 452 Beauty of the Dead, the-H. E. Bates 706 Beneath the Visiting Moon-Romilly Cavan _ Bewildering Cares-Winifred Peck 346 Big Wheel. the--Mark Benney 202 Bishop's Crime. the-H. C. Bailey... 424 Black Gloves. the-Conyth Little . 558 Broken Glass-Elizabeth Kyle ... 202 elAPE of Good Hope. the-Zyg- k • mum Nowakowski . . 684 Captain C.erise-Dorothy Mackinder 590 Champlain Road, the-Franklin Davey McDowell .
Cheerfulness Breaks In-Angela Thirkell . 346 Chemist's Wife, the-Peggy White-
house 102 Chief Witness. the-Herbert Adams 320 Children's Books .. I, 616; II, 656
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-11ARTHLY Paradise, the-C. S. Forester
Elephant-Ruth Manning Sanders 508 Enemy Within the Gates-Sydney
FAIZWHorler 424 d . EATHER Faith-Rosalind 70 Fame is the Spur-Howard Spring 20 Farewell, My Lovely-Raymond
Chandler . . 558 Fielding's Folly-Frances Parkinson Keyes ... 618 Flying Visit, the-Peter Fleming .. 66 Fool of Time-Beatrice Kean Sey- MOUT Footman for the Peacock, a- Rachel Ferguson .. ... • • • 174 Four Defences, the-J. J. Conning- Framed in Hardwood-Eric Lowe... 226
1ANTILLONS, the - Robert 13 Liddell560 Gentleman Hangs, a-John Dollond 558 Ghost and the Maiden, the-R. H.
1.1 AMLET Had an Uncle-Branch
Hamlet, the-William Faulkner ... 322 Heart of a Child-Phyllis Bcittome ... 656 Hester Roon--Norati Lofts . 20 High Sierra-W. R. Burnett .. 128 Hill is Mine, the-Maurice Walsh 102 Hostile Shore, the-Catherine Gavin 252 How Briggs Died-D. E. Harding -. 424 NTO My Parlour-Paul Dallas . 424 ACARANDA-Kathleen Bellamy 298 0 Jane Fairfax-Naomi Royde- Smith . 424 Jorkins Has a Large Whiskey- Lord Dunsany 556 Journey Into Fear-Eric Ambler ... 68 L"" PEP Murder Quiet-Selwyn Jepson Kind of Insolence, a-Margaret Steen
y ADY With Jade - Margaret IA Mackay
Landfall-Nevil Shute .. 618 Lighter than Day-Desmond Haw- kins Lights Go Down, the- Erika Mann 226 Living Space-Walter Allen . . 128 Lonely Magdalen-Henry Wade . . 68 Loss of Eden--Douglas Brown and
Christopher Serpell298 Lotte in Weimar-Thomas Mann ... 504
AIGRET to the Rescue- Georges Simenon .. 68 Malice in Wonderland-Nicholas Blake . 68 Man Who Murdered Goliath. the- Geoffrey Homes . . 198 Masks and Faces-Phyllis BOttOMe 152 May We Come Through?-Roland Men Against the Sky-Winifred Galbraith .. . 556 Mistral Hotel-Stephen lister .. toz Mr. Bunting-Robert Greenwood ... 398 Mr. Lucton's Freedom-Francis Brett Young ... 322 Moment in Peking-Lin Yutang 174 Moon Tide-Willard Robertson ... 56o Mooshka-Avram Melnikof • • • 484 Murder at Buzzards Bay-Anthony Abbot Murder at 'Lilac Cottage-John
Rhode 320 Murder at Works-
G. Munition Wor:: G. D. H. and M. Cole' 198 Murder in the Submarine Zone- Carter Dickson ... 320
-IVAILCRUNCHER - Albert Cohen t 8 Night in elrombay-Lduis Biomfielci 152 ()NEI:8 Two, Butte My Shoe- 558
Opera IlOtire Murders, the-Dan Billany . . ... 32o Over My Dead Body-Rex Stout 424
[),RENTS Left one, the-T. 0.
.Eeachcroft Al ... 706 Pilgrim and the Phoenix-Marjorie Scott Johnston 618 Pool of Vishnu, the-L. H. Myers . . 20 IUIETLY My Captain Waits- Vs/ Evelyn Eaton ... . . 590 Quick Service-P. G. Wodehouse 450 TIEMOVE the Bodies-Elizabeth IX Ferrara
Room Within, the-Bichard.Churel, i2217
AILOR off the Bremen-Irwin Secret . Vanguard, the - Michael Innes • • •• • 424 September to September-Jacobine Menzies-Wilson . . . 656 Sergeant Lamb of the Ninth- Robert Graves . . 322 Simplicity Jones-Martin Arm- strong . 7o6
So Perish the Roses-Neil Bell . 44 Spring Returns, the - Doreen
Wallace .. .. • • • 424 Star of Satan-Georges Bernanos 370 Stoat, the-Lynn Brock . 198 Stone of Chastity, the-Margery Sharp . 152 Strangers and Brothers-C. P. Snow Sweet Poison-Rupert Penny 68 MHESE, Our Strangers-Adrian Alington . . 7o Thi:. Side of Glory-Gwen Bristow 44 This Peaceful Place-Martin Shane Gore Those Sinning Girls-Catherine Gayton
Time's Harvest-Dorothy Charques 346 Too Dear for My Possessing-
Pamela Hansford Johnson ... 202 Too I.ike the Lightning-Dana Chambers .. 198 Trouble in July-Erskine Caldwell 174 Turn Away No More - Sarah 590 Twilight in Delhi-Ahmed Ali . 484
rls;DER the Rose-Rhys Davies 346 VOYAGE, the-Charles Morgan 424
r F ST to North-Compton V Mackenzie .. 252 When the Whippoorwill-M. K.
Whiteoak Heritage-Mazo de h Roche Who Pays the Piper?-Patricia Wentworth Woman Who Could Not Read, the -Michael Znschenko . Wonderful Journey, the-Frank
Th -I'M:TR, Love and Adventure-
Mott Choynawski . .
A SPECTATOR'S NOTEBOOK 5, 29, 53, 86, 113, 137, 16t, 185, 213, 237, 265, 285, 309, 333, 357, 381, 409, 469, 493, 317, 373, 601, 669, 693.
484 193 556 346
By H. E. Bates, 14, 38, 61, 92; by Sir W. Beach Thomas, 118, 142, 170, 206, 219, 243, 270, 290, 315. 339, 363, 388, 441 ; by H. E. Bates, 475, 493, 502, 525, 579, 6z0, 640, 678, 699.
Thunder Rock at the Neighbourhood, xi; The Devil's Disciple, at the Picca- dilly, 119; Margin for Error, at the 'Apollo, 146; Take Back Your Freedom, at the Neighbourhood, 192; The In- fernal Machine, at the Arts Theatre Club, 267; Diversion, at Wyndham, 440.
THE CINEMA All This and Heaven Too, 699; Andy Hardy Meets Debutante, 388; Behind the Guns, 1; Britain Can Take It, 415; Convoy, 35; Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet, 243; Dentist, the, 44z; Edison, the Man, 413; Foreign Correspondent, 388; Front Line, 388; Gay Mrs. Trexel, 607; Ghost Breakers, the, 146; Grapes of Wrath, the, 92; Great Dictator, the, 636; His Girl Friday, 61; I Was an Adventuress, 290; Let George Do It, 6r; Lucky Partners, 499; March of Time, 475, 526; Men of the Lightship, sigi; Mona! SIOTM, the, 339; North-West Passage, 592; North-West Mounted Police, 607; Our Town, 579; Pride and Prejudice, 475; Rangers of Fortune, 44r; Rebecca, ar; Saloon Bar, 363; Secrets of Life, 675; Thief of Baghdad, the, 699; Tom Brown's Schooldays, 243; Unrecorded Victory, an, 526; Waterloo Bridge, 526; Yesterday's Over Your Shoulder, 290; Young Tom Edison, 219.
A Disappointing Report, 267; Enter- tainment Films In War-time, 315; Five- Minute Films, 167; Ministry of Infor- mation Shorts, 363.
OPERA AND BALLET The Prospect Before Us, at Sadler's Wells, 35; Anglo-Polish, 526.
MUSIC " Proms," the, 167; the Arts by Day- light, 44o; Return to Queen's Hall, 607; the Silence of Sibelius, 675.
ART Pictures of the War, 35; Nineteenth- Century Water Colours, rig; New War Pictures, 242; Flowers by Epstein, 415; New English, 440; London Group, the, 499; Drawings by Augustus John, 636.
POETRY Cornish Acres (A. L. Rowse). 499; Duporth Camp (A. L. Rowse), 607; E Tenebris (Helen Spalding), 699; Falling Flowers (Li Shang-Yin), 59; Grief in the Ladies' Apartments (Wang Cli'ang Ling), 19t; How Many Miles to Mylor? (A. L. Rowse), 607; Izaak Walton (Walter de la Mare), 2r8; Life Drawing In (Walter de is Mare), 415; Night in Martindale (K. Ftaine), 699; Passive Hands, the (Lilian Bowes Lyon), 526; Poem (C. Day Lewis), 9x; Ulysses (Walter de la Mare), 9; Wounds Which Ache Most Deep (William Soutar). 166.
FINANCE AND INVESTMENT 22, 46, 78, to6, 130, 154, 176, 204, 230, 254, 278, 302, 324, 348, 374, 402, 427, 457, 485, 510, 564, 592, 622, 660, 686, 708.
FINANCIAL SUPPLEMENT (The Spectator, November is;. 1940.;