Whether Mr. Herbert Morrison intended his broadcast on Sunday night
to be first and foremost a eulogy of private enterprise may well be doubted ; but that it was first and foremost a eulogy of private enterprise is beyond all question. Trade by trade the Lord President expatiated with delight on the progress made. The build- ing industry (private enterprise) up from 722,000 workers a year ago to 1,084,000 by the end of April. Brickmaking (private enterprise)— " thanks to the great production effort by the industry, output has been practically doubled." " Or take motor-cars [private enterprise]. Last September the output was only just over i,000. By February it got up to 10,70o. Last month it was over 18,000. Last month we actually made more motor-cycles for sale in this country than in 1935." " Radio sets [private enterprise] have increased from u,000 monthly last summer to 84,000 in April this year. Steel production [private enterprise] is well above pre-war levels." That is not all. Exports "are. reviving wonderfully." The monthly target for 1946 was an average of £62+ million. "But employers [private em- ployers] and managers and workers are getting together and beating this target handsomely." Altogether private enterprise is rising to the situation and saving the situation even more effectively than even the firmest believers in private enterprise could have predicted. Is Mr. Morrison really determined to go on throwing spanners into
this effective machine ? * * * *