Stit,—Strix has done good service in calling atten- tion to the- vexed question of duplication of titles, a maddening matter for authors and publishers alike which is of Coupe constantly occurring. Years ago the problem was raised and it was then agreed that a register would be kept by the Pub- lishers Association—but, as usual with many admir- able notions of this' nature, this system was allowed to drop. Not so very long ago I talked over this annoyance with Sir Stanley Unwin, who at the time took a diametrically opposite view—commenting that the better book would win both critically and where sales were concerned and that compari- son of both or more works was of interest. My own view is that this is Wasted effort, especially from the authors' point of view, since their individual sales would be bound to suffer. Certainly if authors and publishers have any sense Strix's Central Registry with the Society of Authors would be an admirable solution.