5 JULY 2003, Page 28

From Dr Bany Mope Sir: Ross Clark made some excellent

points in his piece on public-sector pay, but spoiled it with some ill-informed remarks about GPs:

pay. Indeed, it is disappointing that The Spectator should swallow government spin: you, of all people, should know that if the DoH claims that 'average earnings' will rise to £86,000 it is highly unlikely to he true. As for GPs voting for a '26 per cent' pay rise — well, we will see. The first attempt at the contract used a formula that resulted in projected losses in income for 70 per cent of practices, including those serving the most deprived areas. This occurred after the Treasury stepped in during the last moments of negotiation.

As for us not taking on extra duties, Mr Clark should rest assured that, under New Labour's 'patient-centred NHS', many of us are increasingly being forced to regard patients as an irritating distraction from form-filling and attending fatuous meetings in order to justify our existence.

Dr Bony Moyse

Taunton. Somerset